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April 22, 2003 (3 Comments)

Chel looked at Maenae. She was so human and so alien at the same time. It gave Chel the creeps to look at her, even though she didn’t want to feel that way. Maenae had very similar features to a human child,… at first glance. Her skin was dark and a mass of brown hair with a gold sheen fluttered around her head with each movement. Now, she was lifting her hands up to Chel, giggling. Her hands were different. It took Chel a moment, but then she realized why they looked that way. Maenae had three fingers,… and two thumbs. The second one was where a pinky should have been. Then, she opened her eyes and looked pleadingly at Chel, squealing playfully. “Pick me up? I wanna be up high!” Again, Chel was staring into the dark, depthless eyes. The golden orange light within them shifted and glimmered. ‘They look right through you and for some reason,… remind me of a critical teacher’s eyes. So weird.’ She shrugged it aside and bent forward to pick Maenae up. The alien girl’s hands clenched into Chel’s arms, in a trusting way. ‘Shouldn’t be so afraid of a kid. She’s really cute. I just can’t believe that Lexx,… could tolerate a child.’ Chel grinned and picked the girl up, shifting her around so she could sit on her shoulders, which was exactly what Maenae wanted. She laughed and kicked lightly. “Carry me?!” Just the kind of kid Chel LIKED to be around. Happy and playful. Of course,… like any other child that realistically wouldn’t be the case the entire time. For now, Chel assumed she really had nothing else to do. Lexx was most likely not coming back anytime soon and she had nothing else to do.

One thought on “April 22, 2003 (3 Comments)

  1. I’m rereading this, and I can’t believe that I missed Zeta hiding under the bed the first time through!

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