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April 23, 2007 (1 Comment)

"Catch her!" Lexx recovered quickly and managed to get out of the bath without slipping more than a dozen times on the water drenched floor. Lisaan just stood aside. There was no way she was going after the howling cat, considering she could still hear her voicing her protest from several rooms away. Lexx rushed by, taking a short cut to where he assumed Stealth was running. She had slowed down in a hallway, looking for a way outside and in her hurry gone the wrong way. Stealth loped into one of the large outer rooms that Damian and several Sairah were busily decorating at the same time that Lexx appeared through another door. "Catch her!" Lexx shouted, gesturing at the soaked and muddied cat. "What's all the - " Damian stared at Lexx dumbly, not noticing Stealth, just the soaking shirtless Rishan. Stealth glared at Lexx, laid her ears back and bolted across the room. She collided with Damian and one of the other Sairah in her effort to outmaneuver Lexx and cause him a bit of a slowdown as nearby boxes also toppled into the fray.

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