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April 28, 2008 (5 Comments)

"I had a question to ask you, Chel, if you don't mind?" Energy asked through the curtain. "Shoot." Chel opened her duffle bag. "I was wondering if, well ... I would like you to give me a name." "But you have a name." Chel reached into the duffle and pulled out a small pile of shirts. "It's not a real name though. It's just something random Lexx decided on so he could give me orders. I want a real name." Energy sat staring at the curtain expectantly. Fly jumped up onto his shoulders and scrambled up his neck to perch on the larger dice's head. "I'll still answer to Energy, but I want you to give me a new name." "Hmm...." Chel closed her eyes thoughtfully, thinking over the request Then, she opened her eyes and caught a tiny glimmer of light coming from the bottom of her bag. Icy cold fingers wrapped around her body. She quickly moved aside a pair of pants and other clothes and saw a familiar image of herself staring back up at her. A tiny red light was blinking just below it.

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