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The view shifted again, to concentrate on Lexx. His bandages had been replaced and he was laying on his back on the floor. The lights in the room were completely out, leaving the only illumination to the red netting surrounding Lexx. The other four greys were standing on either side of Lexx, moving their hands over the grid and touching parts of it like they were interfacing directly with some sort of computerized system. The grid glowed where they touched and ripples of red light passed through the grid and showered Lexx in what looked like tiny embers. Lexx will be completely scannedand all of his nanites removed. A cold chill ran through Chel. How many times had she heard that discussed along with the results? “But that will kill Lexx!” She blurted out in horror. Star Pirates It’s been awhile since the last time I mentioned Star Pirates, but I’ve still been checking back on the game on occasion and follow them on Twitter @Star Pirates. Due to just being incredibly busy, I had to scale back on even my casual game playing, but that’s about to change. Star Pirates just celebrated its fourth anniversary on April 24th! I was amazed to see that I had actually created my account – ShivaeSyke – 3 years and 8 months ago! In that time, I’ve promoted it a few times. It was a nice game from the start, purely text based and undemanding of my time. I logged in today, after several months away to find the text … has now been complimented with some images and small animations in all the right places! They’re not processor overwhelming flash graphics, which I’ve recently had problems with and that’s with a tablet pc that’s a year old that I run PHOTOSHOP on without any issues whatsoever. The layout has been tweaked and navigation is even easier to understand than it was before and if you’re a new player, there are a lot of well placed informational graphics as you access each section from commanding your ship from the bridge to attacking other ships (like the pirate you should be)! Don’t let my talk about attacking other ships scare you away. Yes, If you can attack other ships, you also can be attacked, but it’s not debilitating and typically the other players do not spend all their time going after low level players. Also, you can buy points to cloak yourself with or do a variety of other things. Unlike a lot of games, you can play free and not have a weakened gaming experience or buy the very affordable points and make use of them. The last new thing I want to mention is the addition of Commissions . These are missions that offer some really nice rewards, like weapons, large amounts of experience, cargo, and likely a lot of other things you can use to modify your ship with that I can’t see at the moment! If you’re a returning player, you also get these nice little reminders of how to play the game if you’ve forgotten any small details. So I’m inviting y’all to come join me and play an easy to understand, yet complex game of Star Pirates. I’m playing so look for me! Sign in to Star Pirates Pass Along! Pass along and help Kez get a refund. Read the news section and check out What it Takes while you're there!

10 thoughts on “04/30/2012

  1. Somehow, I have a feeling she’s going to end up kicked out of the operating room.

    1. But Chel isn’t IN the operating room. She’s with the others in a separate room watching of Gray-O-Vision! So she’s more likely to be corrected after this than kicked out

  2. I think they already know about the “no immune system thing”… That grid is made of the same nanites inside him, yes? They can keep the bad things out, perhaps? <(^.^<)

  3. Reminds me of current treatments for leukemia. Remove all the bone marrow, replace with donated healthy marrow.

    1. Except the Grays might not replace the nanites. Instead, they might reactivate and restore Lexx’ immune system.

      No nanites + immune system means that Lexx is out of the game, for the most part.

  4. Makes me wonder what (other) lies the ADC has told, and if “removing the nanites will kill” is another one of them.

  5. They’ll probably suspend his body in a frozen status while they remove these nanites and pump new ones into him. These are professionals, Chel.

  6. Or they give him super Nantes and control of his mind. All of which empowers him to take out the ADC like the superhero he is.

  7. I predict that soon after Lexx recovers, the gauntlet will be calles and Lexx will have to face 24 hours of Alien Dice battle without nanites. Then Lexx’s friends will have a chance to redeem themselves by coming up with a clever scheme to cheat the gauntlet.

  8. scannedand should be scanned and

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