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May 05, 2006 (1 Comment)

Unbeknownst to Victor and Melissa, they were being watched. Kip hid where he could. He had a perfect map of the house now and after mere moments had figured out how a tiny being like himself could slip past the range of the hidden cameras and get anywhere he wanted. And now - he was being nosey. Kip was forced to stop just outside the kitchen door and listen. Vic and Melissa were sitting at the kitchen table going over an assortment of pictures on a laptop. "What do you think we should do?" Vic scrolled through the assortment of pictures. Melissa had already seen them. Vic still couldn't believe what was on them and had to keep reminding himself that it was real. It was true. "At the moment, nothing." Melissa was completely calm in her reply. There was not any worry in her voice. "We will give Chel the opportunity to tell us what is going on first." "And if she doesn't?" Victor couldn't conceal his concern. "What if Chel decides to keep this a secret?" He did not want to wait any longer than was necessary.

8 thoughts on “May 05, 2006 (1 Comment)

  1. Special agent Kip on the job.

    1. I like to call hom double-O K

    2. We need to get him a little trench coat and hat one of these days

  2. Well, to get Chel to explain it, it would be good to actually ask her about it.

    1. I know I keep thinking, find out daughter has secret, options: 1) ask her about it 2) plant spy equipment all over your own house and gather evidence to… then ask her about it?

  3. Show her the photo. Ask her if that’s Lexx. Even I know Chel well enough to know she’d come clean after that!

    1. Then Chel goes off because they were shooting at her.

      1. With great justification — they were shooting at her!

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