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The cleansing is going well, but we did run into an anomaly. The grey outside the room waved one hand to the screen and explained what was going on to his audience. There are memories in Lexx’s mind that are not his own. That is not within our expertise to replace. His attention shifted back to the screen where Lexx was beginning to shift about as though in discomfort. The mental cleansing is complete. He is the same Lexx, with the same problems he had bfore, but the artificial fragments have been removed. All eyes were fixated on Lexx as his agitation seemed to be rapidly increasing. He is more blanced now, but we only stabilized him. The fragments would have caused serious problems in the future. Now, we are going to unravel the physical code, which is a little uncomfortable.

12 thoughts on “05/07/2012

  1. A little uncomfortable?

    cue the screaming and writhing…

  2. O_o oh noes.

  3. Not sure I’d actually want to SEE that… :-S

  4. Panel 2 is really beautiful.

  5. Pretty interesting how this is going.

    So technical that it needs to be done in stages, the Grey’s so advanced that it makes it seem no more difficult for them then setting an alarm clock.

    We even learned a little bit more about the bad code, though the bad code ‘was’ only one of Lexx’s problems right now. Now it seems like the Grey’s are going after the more physical problems of Lexx.

  6. Even with all the high tech the Grey’s have they have to do some painful stuff to properly heal Lexx. Shoot even my created race the Infernotins would have trouble with this kind of tech let alone the mental atribuites of the problems.

  7. “and now we are going to tear him apart at the molecular level before putting him back together again, which may sting a bit”

    1. Fireshot/cy414: The initial bonding process was painful too. Fortunately, this procedure will result in less pain and suffering in Lexx’ life.

  8. they missed a spot…the feminine fragment is still in dere…heh.

    1. So, the Grays can’t remove someone’s Death Cry that was placed into Lexx’ by the relay technology.

      That’s good. Riane’s Death Cry wasn’t a problem, so she didn’t really need removed. 🙂

  9. “be a little uncomfortable” is osmething doctors like to say akin to “only hurt a bit” “or just a pinch” right before they stick you with a needle x.x

  10. Love love love the shading on Lexxs hair 🙂 Ames me want to get blue highlights even more.:D sadly, everyone says brown hair and blue do not match at all…

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