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May 12, 2003 (1 Comment)

Lexx slid the binder off the scroll and unrolled it. Often, official paperwork came on literal paper. Digital paperwork was the norm for average things, but not for those that needed physical signatures. Lexx skimmed the document. It was serious. He had forgotten something and now, he had to fix it. The only way he could do that was with Chel’s help and he felt awkward asking her for anything after he had hurt her. “Deuce,…” He swore softly, realizing that the game rested with Chel now. Then he looked at her and their eyes met. She wasn’t mad. It was clear. But the flush of red across her right cheek made Lexx nervously cast his gaze aside. “Chel,… I’m sorry.” He stated with full conviction for what he had done. He was sorry. “Really. I did not intend to hit you.” Lexx trailed off and looked around the room at the children playing. Anything to avoid looking at Chel. “Are you going to stay with me? Do you want to go home?” Chel hmmed curiously, wondering if Lexx was going to explain why it was he was asking, but he just stood there, waiting without looking at her. She rubbed her cheek lightly and frowned, “It was an accident. Stings, but I’ll live.” “Good. Uhm,.. I need you to read this.” Lexx held out the document without thinking about it. It wasn’t written in standard. “What is it?” Chel stared at the alien print. “It’s a statement that you are a native guide and I did not force you to come with me.” Lexx blinked, realizing his error. “That’s basically what it says. It’s like a permission form to bring you with me, but you have to sign it. If you don’t sign it, they will bring charges against me and reset my game. I made a mistake. I have never had a native guide before.” Lexx frowned, annoyed that he hadn’t thought about this from the beginning. It just had not occurred to him. Normally, when a master dice or an average player visited a world, they would ask a native of that world to assist them in getting around, but Lexx had always avoided it. “Will you sign it?” “…” Chel thought quickly. She had to take Lexx’s word that what he was saying was on the paper. She had to trust him,… for his sake. “Yes,… I will. I did insist on coming.” The words washed over Lexx like a cleansing shower, washing away his anxiety. It was just a few words, but the tone and the look on Chel’s face made everything seem like it was going to be all right. For the only time Lexx could remember, he wanted to cry simply because he was happy,… but he didn’t. Instead, he set his attention back to Maenae. This wasn’t the time or place. As Riley had said, he needed to be more careful. The little girl was clinging to Lexx’s leg, not saying anything, just gripping the cloth of his pants, looking upset.

One thought on “May 12, 2003 (1 Comment)

  1. Riley you sneaky devil you! I’m so glad he’s on Lexx’s side!

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