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Riley looked from his father, who was giving him an odd look, to Vic and then to Lexx. He quickly ran around behind Lexx, grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him gently away from the situation. “Walk, Lexx. Now.” Riley whispered hurriedly. Lexx went without any resistance, with a growing sense of relief that he was leaving. Vic frowned, then cast a concerned look at Chel, who looked torn and tempted to follow Riley and Lexx. She remained standing by her father and the grey looked on with an almost curious blankness. “Are you going to ‘let’ him near me at all?” Chel quirked an eyebrow up at her father, seriously waiting for an answer. Vic patted the hand she still had on his shoulder and sighed in acceptance, “I doubt I have a choice, do I?”

12 thoughts on “05/15/2012

  1. Vic knows that if he tries to keep Chel and Lexx apart, he’ll fail. He’s still worried, but he knows better than to keep trying to keep Lexx from Chel, even with his established view of Lexx being reckless and dangerous at best.

    Vic is just a great character to have in this position. He’s actually got the smarts to back up the position he’s earned and he uses them well.

  2. Poor Vic…he’s facing what I can only imagine to be the single hardest moment any parent must encounter – the moment of letting go… When the young wo/man you fought for so long to protect must be allowed to fly or to fall, as their own strengths alone merit.

    1. Or at least any father of a daughter.
      Because he’s not just letting her go on her own but letting her go to a boy.
      It’s gotta be like Batman turning over Gotham to Robin.

      1. Somehow… That doesn’t have the same effect…. I mean really…

  3. i think the Grey feeks sympathetic towards CHel

    1. Feek is officially a new emotion.

  4. Wow — Chel got through to the greys… That is some achievement.

    1. I can imagine the grey walking over and putting a hand on Vic’s shoulder, shaking his head, saying,” I know how you feel. I felt like that when I let little Reese go after her first probe.”

  5. Wanted to add – I just love Chel placing her hand over her fathers heart in the last panel.

    1. I believe that is Vic’s shoulder Chel has her hand on.

  6. I honestly still can’t bring myself to trust Vic. First thing he does when he gets home has to be to sell Lexx down the river. Then again, he could just do nothing. It’s not like anyone is competent enough there to spot the massive blank spots in the report.

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