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Gifts are best given as surprises. The grey responded. “You do this to humans too, huh?” Vic sighed. Perhaps. The grey smiled again in his very slight way. Be aware that we can anywhere and see any one at any time. The grey’s form blurred and within a moment, he was completely gone. “Is that supposed to make me sleep easier at night.” Vic grumbled to the spot where the alien had stood. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 My attempt to shift my schedule didn't really work. I'm now thoroughly exhausted and have commissions to catch up on at the same time. Next week will have three updates - because I forgot to script a scene. - Tiff - and no, hubby buying me Minecraft for Mother's Day did NOT help. It just pointed out I have zero free fun time.

14 thoughts on “05/17/2012

  1. Ah, Greys. What would we do without your “surprise” gifts of your choosing and whim? Aside from sleep better.

    1. Reminds me of a Gail Carson Levine fairy tale, where a well meaning fairy godmother gives “gifts”.

  2. Well at least Lexx is healed and ready to rock more or less…….

  3. AH…that perspective gives a whole new angle to things! I wonder what Vic will make of it.

    You are so amazingly clever!

  4. *Snicker* Stalker Greys are watching you.

    The transporter effect looks awesome Tiff.

    Now that Lexx’s nanites are fixed…when’s the other shoe gonna drop?

  5. Well, then!

    Maybe there’s a huge cultural gap here, but I don’t see how Vic (or anyone really) could construe that as anything other than a not-too-subtle threat.

    1. In some circles, that ‘threat’ would be considered a sign of a sense of humor. Even it was true. 😛

  6. They know when you are sleeping.
    They know when you’re awake.
    They know if you’ve been bad or good.
    (And they like giving ‘gifts’.)

    It looks like Santa has out-sourced his elf positions to another planet.
    And I guess transporter technology beats climbing up and down chimneys.

    1. Well won’t that Anal Probe be a surprise?

      1. XD

        And he *did* say that gifts are best GIVEN as surpises, not necessarily best RECEIVED…that only means that it’s better for the *architects* for it to be a surprise, it says nothing about the *ahem* receiver.

  7. We canbe anywhere if we want to, your asses are literally ours.

  8. Its probably futile to send a message this late, but know as one Cardiac pt. to anothers family, you have all our love & support. Bless & love her, as she is a treasure, as I am often called by my loved ones. =) Not everyone has an easy begining (child and parents), but it does get better. I’m in a position to know. All my love and hopes to your all! TY for giving us all an adventure, and a little time to forget the woes of the world. Hugs, Pantera <3

    1. No it’s not – I get all the comments emailed to me. 😀 Thank you.

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