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Minor note: No update on Memorial Day - which is Monday.

29 thoughts on “05/25/2012

  1. so that is what Keith has been up to. I love the light humor in this one. 🙂

  2. Big scate looks cool.

    Swift…trying to help romance aolong,lol. I’m guessing Keith threw the bucket of water to add to the hilarity.

    Perfect after the seriousness we had been going through Tiff.

    1. Look closely at Kieth’s face in the last panel.

      He’s smiling.

    2. Look closely the bucket is full of water, Kieth did not throw any. He is just enjoying its effects.

      1. Explain the final Sploosh then. She’s wiping water out of her face and there is a convienetly placed bucket right there.

        Yeah he soaked her and is running for it.

        1. Yeah. It definitely looks like a ‘seemed like a good idea at the time’ situation.

          And if I’m looking at it right in the second to panel with Keith in it, she turned to face angrily at Swiftpaw and Keith was standing over to the side from wear she was facing.

          I think Keith saw a way from Swift to get a rise out of her instead of her just blowing him off and her blood pressure looks like its risen quite a bit. At least she’s paying more attention to him now.

        2. I’m pretty sure it’s less of a “good idea at the time” and more of just a “good idea.”
          After all, he’s now getting chased around by a cute girl. He’s like a kid teasing a girl he likes.

          Were none of you ever young? 🙂

        3. Swiftpaw’s holding a hose in his mouth.

  3. Keith. Keith. Keith.

    Don’t you know? Drenching a girl you just met with water is a sure way of them chasing you down with a water hose.

    This page was very humorous, I liked it.

    1. Just as planned.

  4. It is always easier with a wing-fox.

    1. *groan!* 🙂

  5. At least he’s not bored.

  6. What exactly is she doing in the second panel? It seems like she could be shaving fur in a spot, examining a wound, or maybe looking at a big eye.

    1. She’s scrubbing. The white outline is soap suds, the middle is the brush.

  7. Hmm the coloration of that particular Dice reminds me of Skate….I wonder if it is Skate and s/he has rolled a bunch since the last time we saw em.

    1. Yes, it is Skate.

  8. Who’s the other fox die? I recognize swiftpaw but not the yellow/gold one

    1. Thats fly. He rolled a side a few dozen pages back.

      Also … Come on, cutie working with water? Just ASKING to be splashed!

  9. Swiftpaw did it! In the third panel you see him in the lower right hand corner, holding the hose! Keith just had the bad sense to laugh! Look at him shaking! *cracking up* This is SO me and my brothers! My little brother and I totally did this to our big brother when he was washing his car.

    1. Actually, Keith Splashed the bucket of water seen in the 5th panel on her ( I say this because there is a “Splooosh” before the sixth panel.

      1. Swiftpaw still started it

        1. indeed, but i have a feeling that that would have eventually started it. The temptation to dump a bucket of water on a girl is too high for us to resist 😛

        2. Alas, she was wearing overalls, not a T-shirt…

  10. Ah, but she is wearing a grey shirt under the overalls.

    One should always wear a bathing suit under their clotes when delaing with known prankster dice like Fly and Swiftpaw.

  11. Can I be the first to say “Yakety Sax”?

  12. I can’t help but think this is NOT a good way to impress a girl.

    Maybe a test… if she can get over that, she’s a keeper.

  13. Aaaaw…no, wait, STOP!

    TIFF! Youre making me ship Keith and Claudia! This cannot be happening! No! NOOOOOO!!!!!!

    Kluadia? Cluadeith? Kedia?

  14. Sure, Keith. Cheer yourself up by sexually harassing random alien women. Because that will endear you to me.

    I really hate this jackass.

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