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Victor and Chel raced down the hallway, with Victor in the lead. Sirius and Serenity were on their heels. “We’ll check Keith’s room first! It’s next to mine!” Victor said to Chel, hoping that Keith was in there since he didn’t know where Claudia’s room was and assumed that Kade had already checked it.

9 thoughts on “06/01/2012

  1. I feel a foreboding … Of awkwardness.

  2. Now the question is…will it be a misunderstood wrestling match?

    Keith: Um…this isn’t what it looks like…!

  3. @Elfguy:

    Claudia: Yes it is! >:-)

  4. Poor Kieth! The cavalry is too late to keep him out of Claudia’s clutches.

    Thankfully, they should arrive soon enough to keep him from being driven insane by Claudia’s obsession with Lexx and her rampant scheming.

  5. Now, who wants to place bets on Keith’s state of dress being inversely proportionate to his desire to throttle Claudia and/or run screaming for the largest dice on the ship?

  6. Why does everyone assume Keith won’t be enjoying himself???

    1. Because Claudia yanked him off of his feet?

      Because Claudia was grinning maliciously when she did so?

      Because Kieth is exhausted and probably just wants to sleep?

      Because Kieth already likes Chel, and probably knows better than to engage in a sitcom-esque plot to keep Chel and Lexx apart?

      Because maybe Kieth and Claudia are going to have a fling and that’s going to make Claudia realize that she should stop obsessing about Lexx?

      Wait. Something seems off about that last one. I can’t put my finger on it, but it just seems wrong. Completely and utterly wrong.

      I think we’ll end up with a Kieth running away or struggling to escape.

    2. Because Keith already mentioned that Claudia makes him uncomfortable.

  7. YAY!?! It took me over a year but i’ve finally caught up in the series……..wait a sec. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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