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06/23/2010 (7 Comments)

“I want to help.” Serenity’s radar shaped ears drooped sadly. She walked slowly toward Sirius, wanting to see how he was doing since he had not spoken. “Serenity. Come and lay by me.” Sirius mumbled as though speaking any louder would cause him intense pain. His fur was ragged and uneven in places where he had been injured and the smaller wounds sealed. “How do you feel, Sirius?” Serenity ventured. “It only hurts when I breath.” Sirius lifted his head slightly to acknowledge Serenity, then let it fall with a light thud. He groaned and a small shudder rippled down his long body. His left forearm was bandaged and showed blood still seeping through the covered wound. Several other smaller scratches on his chest and neck were also beading with bright droplets of blood, most likely opened again when he moved.

9 thoughts on “06/23/2010 (7 Comments)

  1. Oh dear, poor thing. I just want to give him a cuddle.

  2. Sounds painful.

  3. I think the best way to say this is with an emoticon…


  4. awwww…. :’o(
    can I snuggle next to sirius too?

  5. Is there a “shedding a single tear” emoticon?

    As cliche as the line “It only hurts when I breath.” is, it’s very effective.

    1. :'(

  6. Man oh man what a way to pull a tear jerker off. I really feel sorry for these poor dice.

  7. Awwww…. Poor sirius… Poor dice ;_;…. I feel so bad, the poor things… *snuggles them all and then bops Lexx on the head for treating them like that, even if it’s for a good cause*

  8. Poor little Dice. Come here. *hugs them all*

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