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06/25/2010 (11 Comments)

“I told you to hold back.” Stealth heaved herself onto her feet, shook and then trotted past Sirius and Serenity. “I’m going to get Riley.” A closer look at Sirius told her all she needed to know. By now, he should have at least been sitting upright and not a quavering mess in the grass. He was weaker now than he had been when they brought him into the gardens. “I will recover. I’m just sore and tired.” Sirius’ eyes opened and he tried to focus on Stealth. He just couldn’t decide on which one to focus on. “You’re bleeding.” Serenity gasped in shock as she noticed that the ground around Sirius’ head was soaked red with blood. It had been hard to see due to the thick grass, but it was there, pooling at the base of the grass.

13 thoughts on “06/25/2010 (11 Comments)

  1. Oh crud, thats really not good.

    1. Seconded.

  2. Bleeding? Not good!

  3. *Insert gratuatus and heart felt swearing here*

    Do NOT die on us, you hear me? You, Mittens, and Fly are the three dice closest to Chel. She, and ~WE~, can NOT afford to loose you!

    *Falls to his knees, and continues swearing with intermittent sobbing*

  4. little Serenity and all the readers are worrying now

  5. Especially since he’s apparently bleeding through his bandages. Get him to the ER before he reverts.

  6. Crap. Poor Sirius. He’s one of my fave dice……

  7. He can’t die. His wounds are not traumatic/invasive enough to prevent reversion. If he continues to decline he will simply revert and heal in dice form.

    By all means feel free to feel sympathetic for his condition, he IS in pain. But you can stop worrying.

  8. No poor Sirius!

  9. NNNOOO I am so going to cry if he dies I’m close to doing so now

  10. Aefin, I sure hope you’re right. Please let you be right.

  11. Wait. I thought Stealth said that they all had to do their very best and NOT hold back.

    Jan 12 – ‘“You have to, Zeta. It’s the only way we’re going to get Chel back.” Stealth snarled. The fur along her back and shoulders rose at the very thought of Zeta not pulling his weight in this. She wouldn’t hold back and she was going to let any dice that even thought about it know it, with teeth and claws if necessary.’

    1. I’m going to have to fix some text to clarify things, but basically on Jan 12 during that discussion Stealth is referring to dice that hold back as in, won’t fight at all or put up very little fight because it’s Lexx. Currently, when she says to Sirius that he should have held back, she’s meaning that he should not have overdone it to a point where 1. he could have been killed and 2. where Lexx might get pushed to too high of a level. They’re keeping track.

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