7 1184

06/30/2010 (4 Comments)

“Stop moving!!” Serenity raised her voice in an uncharacteristic way and pushed her nose against Sirius’. He sighed and rolled back down on his side. “I don’t want to be trouble …” Sirius grumbled. Serenity shook her head, laying her ears flat against her head and laying down on Sirius’ neck. There was nothing she could do for Sirius except to make him feel less pain and more at ease. “Rest. Sirius. Rest.” She spoke softly and with concern. Beneath her, she could feel Sirius’ pulse and the coolness of his body. His pulse slowed, but she could do nothing about how cold he felt. “Lexx asks too much of us.” Sirius sighed weakly.

7 thoughts on “06/30/2010 (4 Comments)

  1. It is official: Lexx has knocked Sirius’s self-preservation right out of him! …that, or just his will to live. One of the two.

  2. yeah – this will lead to so much awkward beatdown if Lexx gets Chel back after a hard fought battle…and a much more righteous one if he doesn’t, or it isn’t…

  3. Ah, yes. Applying compression to stop the bleeding. But I believe it is usually applied to the side WITH the bleeding.

    It makes me wonder if there has ever been a case of maltreated dice rising up in mass mutiny against an abusive master. I guess the ADC could get good ratings for this during sweeps week. ‘Coming up next: When Dice Attack!’

    1. Isn’t that pretty much what happened during the last Gauntlet? The dice went berserk under the harsh conditions and attacked the players?

      1. Those were the enslaved normally-sapient players, not the enslaved uplifted-animal players.

  4. that’s the sorta devotion/loyalty that lexx and chell have earned from the dice from always treating them well.

    1. Interesting point… *ponders for a while*

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