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July 11, 2003 (4 Comments)

It was Chel who ended up kissing Lexx. He hesitated a moment too long. There  was a slight tingling warmth as their lips met briefly, brushing softly against each other. Lexx flinched in surprise, aware that he was shaking more than Chel was. Chel was not paying attention to how Lexx was responding, more intent on kissing him again.  Kissing in a dream.  That was always fun, because it seemed to last forever. Outside of the dream, Lexx tried to keep himself calm.  His heart was beating hard enough that his attempts to slow it were making his chest hurt.  Riley and Maenae were in the other room. The door was slightly ajar as he had left it, just in case he was tempted to remain inside the dream too long.  But he wanted just a moment longer to feel and enjoy this.  He deserved it.  Just a little bit of pleasure in a kiss that he dared not take in reality. Chel was smiling in her sleep. Lexx did not wait for Chel to kiss him again, meeting her lips passionately and tightening his arms around her.  He sighed, blissfully unaware that the door was being slowly pushed open in the bedroom. Riley's eyes glowed in the dim light, pale brown orbs suspended against uncharacteristically stern features.  He knew Lexx had been up to something.  Five minutes had been all that had passed since Lexx had come back here.  That was plenty of time for the Littan to quietly follow him and now, he was lightly skimming over Chel's relay first, then Lexx's.

5 thoughts on “July 11, 2003 (4 Comments)

  1. Ooooh, looks like I was wrong! Riley will kill you first! Cause of death: Exsanguination!

  2. And SCORE! The fan was hit quite perfectly and now the entire playfield is painted in a decent brown!

    No honestly, either Riley will congratulate him for his boldness…and THEN scold him for being so darn stupid and cowardly…or just tear off his freaking head…or, of course, he’ll smile and just say nothing…after all, everything’s going according to plan.

  3. Riley is going to beat you so bad… or he better >_<*

  4. Riley, punch him! Or use that cool sword! Or your fangs! Don’t let him get off easily!

  5. Heheh… I’m picturing Riley walking in…and Lexx is just smooching the air…

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