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“I wasn’t thinking clearly. Everything was muddled.” Lexx smiled. “Promise me, Lexx.” Chel persisted. “Why?” Lexx just wanted to hear what Chel would say, hopeful to hear three little words. “Because I want you to finish your game and be a normal person.” Chel sighed, having absolutely no idea what it was Lexx was probing for and not even realizing that’s where he was leading.

5 thoughts on “07/11/2012

  1. By whose Definition of Normal?

    But yeah, Chel at least wants something realistic out of Lexx upon beating the game.

  2. I’m sure that’s not what he wants to hear though.

  3. Hey Tiff, I’m loving the art on this strip. In the last panel you probably want to make Chel’s tongue visible (it would be taking up the majority of that black part of her mouth) The eyes aren’t loving you in that panel either but not sure how to fix it. Rotate the eye line a little maybe? Push the eyebrow forward? Or perhaps the gap between the eyes is too big?

    These last few updates have given you a lot of time to position and twist their faces about… and the majority of the instances look great 😉 I don’t think the pupils are facing the same way in the “Promise Me” 2nd Panel but I love it especially how you handled the jaw!

  4. http://aliendice.com/blog/2012/07/11/05092012/
    The first strip in this most recent set of annotated strips.

  5. I don’t think Chel should be asking for promises he can’t keep, especially now her dads agency is involved.

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