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“Nothing, Lexx.”  Vic shrugged  the question off as the three of them continued down the hallway.  “Nothing you should worry about.”   Meanwhile, each of the dice had been taken to separate medical bays where they were getting physically examined, blood drawn, and questions asked.  Stealth, Serenity, and Sirius were mostly at ease as the scientists taking care of them were considerate in explaining everything they were doing, before they did it. Swiftpaw, on the other hand, being the smallest of the dice and  the most skittish, was treated a little less considerately.  He froze when talked to, stared wide eyed at the scientists, and would not answer their questions.  He would try, but his words came out too soft to be heard.  The scientists told them what they were doing and tried to be easy with him, but everything they did made him glance around fearfully and look like he would hit the ceiling at any moment.  His twin tails were held  low, his ears were back, and his wings held tight to his body, ready to unfold and bolt at any moment.

4 thoughts on “07/11/2013

  1. Just like being at the vets… except that vets don’t have full biohazard suits… or a general scientific desire to explore their patients’ internal anatomy…

  2. They’re safe. Given access to living specimens of a new species, you learn far more by observing their life cycle than by simply cracking them open for an autopsy.

    Given that these creatures also happen to be at least pseudo sentient, and a large part of their anatomy is based on well studied earth creatures…

    1. works in XCOM, after all 😉

  3. Ok .. what is with those biohazards suits? I mean for a normal medical examination to prevent contamination you wear a simple breath mask .. they already proven to have no effect on humans whatsoever so why suddenly brake out biohazards?

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