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One of the scientists said something to Swiftpaw about taking his temperature.  The fox cocked his head at the woman talking to him, unsure of what they were doing when he felt hands pick up his tails. Then, everything went wrong. Swiftpaw wasn’t sure what was going on, but he was sure he didn’t like it and wanted to get off the table.  His front legs locked and his tails frizzed up instantly, then he did what any fox would do in his situation. A noxious odor filled the air immediately behind him as he sprayed the two scientists directly behind him with musk.  He was immediately let go and the two scientists ran out of the room trailing visible greenish yellow fumes and yelling in shock.  “Can’t see! It’s getting inside the suit!”  The third followed, rubbing her hands over her faceshield in shock.  The stench was working its way through the supposedly air proof biosuit.  She fled after the other scientists, unsure of what it was going to do beyond smell. Swiftpaw relaxed and sighed as the revolting smell settled into his fur.  It didn’t bother him at all, but he felt really guilty for losing control. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I loved that everyone figured it out without the text. :)  It was obvious what had happened and anyone who's taken a dog or a cat to the vet and has seen it done, knows exactly how those poor pets feel. :D And yes.  Skunks smell and have a musk and can spray when frightened as a defense mechanism, but not spray like a skunk.  I think.  I'm not certain about it since I couldn't find details, but I'm ASSUMING the musk glands are located around the tail area like in most musky animals. - Tiff

16 thoughts on “07/12/2013

  1. Why do I get the feeling a Rectal Thermometer was used?

    So what attack did Swiftpaw use? I ask because we have never seen him fight in battle and know nothing of his abilities beyond flight.

    1. Though to be fair, Swiftpaw’s one of the less combat-active dice.


    – “Aaaagh!! Damn these relatively inexpensively-sourced hazmat suits!! Curse you, lowest bidder!!!”

  3. OK, that settles it. No Dice, get a puppy instead. At worst you need to replace a carpet.

  4. that’s what you get for treating a Dice like a mere animal

    they are sentient being, just treat them like humans already!

  5. Treat dice the way you would be treated… Or else they will hit you with some weird green flames.

    1. Well said.

      I think just doing that to a person without asking even if you are the doctor is a huge misstep in doctor patient relations between two humans.

  6. What just happened???

    1. As Cyberbeta mentioned, I believe a rectal thermometer was used. Interesting counter-attack, though. Hope they’re not hurt too bad. :/

      1. Yepp, that look on Swiftpaw’s face in the first panel is unmistakable.
        Poor Swiftpaw!

  7. Scientist used Rectal Thermometer, it was not effective.

  8. Actually it was very effective. They got a very high temperature reading. Not where they were looking but they got it. 😛

  9. Why do they never listen to the briefings? They were told that they can talk.. explain and let them consent to the actions.. or have them hold it in their mouths. You treat them like pets, and bad things happen.

  10. Wait. . . weren’t they on fire just a couple days ago?

  11. Oh, so it’s fox musk that he sprayed all over them.

    Doesn’t really come up much that they stink.

  12. Did anyone think to get a sample? lol

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