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July 18, 2007 (1 Comment)

Chel glanced at the crowd occasionally, searching for  a familiar blue face, then quickly returned to the group of aliens surrounding her.  She was their complete center of attention and that felt so odd to her.  She was flattered and even though she felt awkward in the gown that felt like air, she was enjoying herself. "I thought they'd ask me dumb insulting questions - but they're not." Chel had been pleasantly surprised.  They were genuinely interested in what she had to say about Earth and her life there. They weren't treating her like she was stupid. She was also beginning to get the impression that several of the young men standing around her were trying to get her interested in them. It made her laugh inside. Here they were, obviously rich aliens, flirting with her. "Congratulations, Lexx." Chel felt her cheeks immediately redden along with the rest of her face. One of the aliens who had been speaking to her was looking over her and smiling. "Thank you."  Lexx replied, his gaze drifting a moment to the floor.  He had his hands in his pockets to prevent them from wandering in front of the partygoers and wanted to seem as absolutely casual as possible. There were things he would have liked to do and would have, had there not been so many people present. If only they were alone. "Lexx …" Chel swallowed. She wasn't sure what to make of his tone and was hesitant to turning around.

One thought on “July 18, 2007 (1 Comment)

  1. Leading those poor men on? Why Chel, you naughty girl! I didn’t know you had it in you.

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