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07/22/2009 (29 Comments)

“It’s not one of Epsy’s?” Lexx stared at the wrapped creature on the ground in front of him. Her legs were tied and tape had been wound around her muzzle. She was whining pathetically and looking up with pleading eyes. “It smells like Keith,” Fly chittered from his perch on Lisaan’s shoulder. “it’s not a dice.” “Meh nus es num!” Stealth complained. She had enjoyed a considerable amount of fussing from Lisaan feeling bad for putting her in a situation where she was injured and felt the need to milk it for more sympathy … and goodies. Only one fang had pierced Stealth’s nose and it had missed bone. The other had harmlessly slid beside her muzzle. It didn’t hurt at all, even when Lisaan had cleaned it and sewn the hole shut. There wasn’t any poison, just a very strong anesthetic … and anticoagulant. “Deuce!” Lexx exclaimed. “As if there are not enough vicious animals on the island!” “Et bet meh nus!” Stealth continued complaining, hoping to get some attention from Lexx. She idly swiped her tongue over the bandages on her muzzle. They were going to need to be changed as the would had not fully clotted. It just kept seeping. “Get that human –Keith- down here and send him home with that thing!” Lexx instructed turning away from Stealth. “Yes, Sir.” Lisaan nodded. She also turned away from the oversized house cat to follow Lexx. “Meh tun es num …” Stealth’s muzzle wrinkled as she realized that licking the bandage wasn’t a good idea. Her tongue was refusing to obey and hung from her mouth like a lead weight.

2 thoughts on “07/22/2009 (29 Comments)

  1. bahaha!!! Stealth is hilarious! i bet Mrs. Ross had to hold her tongue and talk to make sure it sounded like it was really numb. lol!

  2. Stealth would be well within her rights to grab Chalupa by the neck and shake until she is no more.

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