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The four stood silently, unsure of what to do or say after their bizarre encounter. Chel was still trying to wrap her mind around how a bunch of memories sounded so complete and what the part about someone else being here meant. Lexx was beginning to feel too tired to deal with what had just happened. Zaile and Riley were still working out the whole ‘good’ Soul Echo revelation that flew in the face of every horror story they’d ever heard about them. Another few minutes passed, nothing in the real world, an eternity in the link and suddenly, Riley and Zailed remembered why they were there. “Go to bed.” They spoke again as one in a voice loud enough to startle Lexx and Chel. The pair immediately faded from the relay, thankful for an escape from the two faux parental units. ------------------------------------------------------ Woohoo.. Friday. IF things go well, today I am going to be going in for an A1C, in which they tell me that I need to go on insulin because my meds aren't working. Don't care. Well, I do, but all the stuff going on has made it very difficult to eat right, exercise and get things done all at once. - Tiff

4 thoughts on “08/03/2012

  1. Congratulations on Kim.

  2. You can only boggle friends on a “Go to Bed” mission for so long…

  3. Lexx: SHAN’T! (folds arms, flounces off) >:=)>

  4. I’m a diabetic too! Eating right IS important, But I’ve found, unlike the pills, once I got used to how the insulin worked with me, I could make adjustments in my insulin shot for off days where eating and other things didn’t work out like they should. Hopefully it’ll help to make you feel better as your blood sugar doesn’t bounce around soo much.

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