39 1092


“Hey, calm down before you bust an artery.”  Keith gripped Fly close to his chest, holding him firmly so he wouldn’t hurt himself.  He could feel the little animal’s heart beating with such intensity that he was seriously worried he might hurt himself.  Keith thought of Fly like any other small wild animal.  Too much stress might harm him and he really didn’t want to see the normally friendly creature plop over dead. Drift stalked around the rock seat, his head low and every hair along his backbone standing straight up in a frightening display.  He loomed over Claudia and his beak parted wider than Keith had thought possible into a vicious snarl.  A row of short, sharp teeth were revealed within a gaping maw that looked big enough to snap Claudia’s head off with minimal effort. “I think you should leave, Claudia.”  Drift’s voice boomed with obvious threat and then he lowered his head and started nudging at Claudia’s back with the blunt side of his beak. “Don’t listen to them.  They’re biased.”  Claudia struggled to keep her footing and not be pushed off balance.  Drift caught her in the middle of the back, sending her stumbling forward with a forceful push.  “Stop shoving me!  I’m going!”  Claudia spat at the huge dice, hurrying past Keith and Fly and down the path.  She had done what she came to do and was confident that it would work exactly how she planned it.

39 thoughts on “08/11/2010

  1. For someone big and scary (looking) Drift is acting rather civil.

    1. Wait a few hours for tonight’s update!

      1. *laugh* Didn’t realize it had updated.

  2. LOL claudia just got shoved out the door!

  3. Drift is REALLY Freaky-scary looking from that angle.
    You go big boy.

    1. Panel 2 says Claudia agrees.

  4. O_O this is why birds shouldn’t have teeth. they’re SCARY AS HELL!

  5. Dude, Drift has teeth, and the guts to use them, at least in threat! o.o

    Awesome! 😀

  6. Let Fly go, Keith. Let Claudia have it.
    Maybe not, actually. They might have Fly terminated for attacking Claudia.

  7. Holy flip Drift is a creature from my nightmares in the second panel.

    1. Yeah, don’t you love it?

      1. i love it

    2. Owlbear

  8. Wow, I’m surprised she’s not shaken. Even I’M scared.

    1. look at her face in the 2nd panel. She’s scared xD

  9. I didn’t realise drift had so many teeth now… I’m so used to him being a little fluff, still.

  10. wow, never seen em like that… i wonder if any restrictions about harming anyone but their trainer (and even that restriction seems limited, see evil duck) are actually there

  11. Ooh, so much for me thinking drift was all feathers and softness. I think he could actually hurt someone now.

  12. Cuddle cutie to nightamre fuel in one easy motion! Rock on!

  13. what i don’t get about Claudia’s arguement is this: y would animals b defending the person that continues to send them into battles that end in them being brutally maimed (spelling?) unless what they say REALLY is true? i mean, think of Sirius, the fact that the dice are even defending Lexx at all after that REALLY says something about Claudia’s statement

  14. Lexx might be taking all of the dice into battles, but he’s also the one who feeds and cares for them outside of battle. On top of that, there aren’t many other options for the dice. They’ll either be auctioned off to other players or disposed of by the ADC.

    Even if they run away it’s more likely that they’ll end up feral and fending for themselves in the wild than anything else. Plus, Lexx is a kind master who, for the most part (and especially now that he’s met Chel) doesn’t abuse his dice.

    So, they’re better off defending and helping Lexx than they are if they don’t. There might also be a certain amount of loyalty programmed into the lower number dice.

    Plus, the entire comic of Alien Dice is a deconstruction of “mons” games where a trainer catches various creatures and sends them to battle. What we see in Alien Dice is how a pokemon style game might actually be in the real world; It would actually be barely a step off of a gladiatorial bloodsport.

    1. well, the way i see it is either they die horribly and end it or live horribly and have it last a long time. i will admit Lexx isn’t THAT bad to them, but they still get brutally wounded on a regular basis due to their servatude. and Lexx’s recent obsession has actually put the dice in threat of dying by blood-loss* (probably 1 of the most horrible ways to die)
      *this is based off of how f#%&ed up Sirius was after their “training”

  15. AUGH GEEZ. When did Drift go from “adorable cuddly owl-thing” to “eldrich abomination made of teeth”!?

    Surprised Claudia isn’t having a heart attack…

  16. They may be biased; that doesn’t mean they’re not telling the truth. I’m actually kinda hoping he does buys her crap; ’cause when he finds out the truth, it’ll mean worse trouble for Claudia. Call me vengeful, but that is a fun thought.

  17. Wow.. I’m actually having a moment to respond.. and I’m confused about why…. but I’m almost done with what I have to do today – will do extra stuff when I’m done.

    Keith isn’t one to jump to conclusions (except when feeling defensive, then he reacts a lot more impulsively.) Since I haven’t had time to get to the text, won’t today either because I’m going to ink an extra page of AD, Keith at the moment is taking note of how the dice are responding to Claudia and how Claudia is acting. He doesn’t like people who act like her and pretty much considers her a Paris Hilton level alien. 😉

    1. I’m not sure that that comparison is more insulting to Claudia or to Paris Hilton. It can be so hard to judge sometimes.

      It’s probably more insulting to Claudia because Claudia has SOME dignity left.

      1. Somehow I’m sure that whatever dignity Claudia had, just flew out the window after being shoved out the door by a big ball of fluff, feathers and….teeth.

  18. Fireshot here after a very lengthy time of being gone I have returned. Anyways I just got done getting back up to date on the comic and I must admit Im rather annoyed at the likes of Claudia she needs to be taught a major lesson. The dice are smart and Claudia is a fool. Also if the Infernotin empire was to come into the comic world the ADC would have some serious trouble on there hands not to mention Lexx would already be free from there vile game and the majority of the higher ups in ADC would be spending some major prison time. Anyways untill next time I will be watching and waiting eagerly for the next update :D.

  19. Not so subtle way to remind us that under all the fluffy cuteness, these beasties are fighters. 🙂

  20. *mental image of 2nd panel*
    “What big teeth you have, Drift…”
    “To better scare you…”

  21. @Ace Jayce: All the better to bite you with.
    “Teeth! Teeth!”

    1. Well, not used to it in English (Portuguese-speaking native myself), but thanks anyway ^^

  22. i dont think iv ever seen drift that mean way to go drift

    1. Shbasically is insulting his master to try and get the kid to talk Chel into leaving. They love Lexx, and they all love Chel. Of course even Drift would say something.

  23. Oh … dear o.o’
    There goes my image of Drift being the fluffiest, cutest little big ball of feathers o.o
    From adorable to nightmare in less than a second.

  24. Holy flapping crows, that second panel! His beak open way far into a scary mouth of teeth. 0_0 save me. Good thing he’s not really the shread-em type. That lying witch wouldn’t stand a chance.

  25. Holy crap….That is the creepiest I have ever seen Drift. 0_0

  26. So….i do not think I have ever seen Drift like that o-o

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