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“Claudia is lying, Keith!”  Fly twisted around in Keith’s arms once he was sure Claudia was gone so that his forepaws were resting on Keith’s chest and he could look up into his face.  “Lexx would nev –“  Fly went limp and then shivered.  “Put me down!!” “What’s going on?!”  Keith let Fly go.  There were funny little dancing lights coming from Fly’s fur that made Keith’s skin prickle at the sight.  Fly made a small jump and went into a glide to the ground. “Progress!”  Fly chirped over his shoulder as the lights increased in intensity and rippled through the squirrel’s fur.

22 thoughts on “08/13/2010

  1. OK… now I am confused. First he is angry then happy. Bi-polar squirrel or a plan i in the mists.

    1. im wondering if he will use claudia’s “plan” to pull lexx & chel closer together. how, i dont know, but thats the vibe im getting.
      my vibes are usually wrong tho..

    2. Fly is about to level struggling against Keith gave him a workout.

  2. Methinks Lexx has rolled to a good level! Maybe 20. Or higher!

  3. Shadow Fox Kitfox

    It it weren’t for the fact that he doesn’t have one of those mischievous looks on his face, I’d say he was up to something.
    But maybe Drackolus is up to something and he’s got a mental ping concerning Lexx.
    Wait….wasn’t Lexx sleeping?

  4. Ten bucks says Lexx just rolled to a new side while they were talking. *coughsuckerbetcough*

  5. Well, either Lexx rolled, or Fly did. It does kinda look like he’s glowing in that last panel like they do when they roll. I just can’t recall what side Fly was on.

  6. Maybe all that fussing has caused Fly to roll. He does seem to be starting to glow in that third panel there.

  7. no, I think Fly is rolling a side.

  8. Actually, I think Fly is the one rolling.

  9. Maybe he had a very intense dream? Hehehe…

  10. Damn. We need the text for this page before we really know what’s happened.
    Progress could mean anything from Lex rolling a side to getting a lead on where Chel is.

  11. Would the dice know when Lexx rolled a side? This makes me think Fly is rolling, since he was just struggling against Keith’s grip…

  12. Rolling rolling rolling keep them doggies rolling RAWHIDE

    Nice to see Fly roll-up and this would prove that it’s not the combat but the emotion that causes a roll.

  13. I wonder if Lexx will ever get the feathered wings that we saw many years ago in some side-art?

  14. @ Flowerlark: I doubt it. The blue angel jokes would never cease. Not that that’s a bad thing…

    I don’t know what goes through a dice’s head. That would take away the mystery. I don’t think they have a telepathic link, and Lexx DID seem to be asleep, though how much time has passed since then is not to my knowledge. But, then again, I don’t know why Fly would roll. Maybe if he was close already and the emotion finished it… but, their loyalty is great, so maybe his emotions in this situation are great enough to do so.
    Guess we won’t know until the next update! (Just like we always don’t.)

  15. Progress is good, right?

  16. Flowerlark, that wasn’t Lexx. Lexx’s “mirror image” in that case was a character from another webcomic done by a different artist That artist approached Syke after noticing the similarity and then that piece was created.

  17. I’m major confused. x3 Fly doesn’t appear to be sparkling, the ‘glow’ just seems to be the color of the grass underneath him. They usually have all these little sparkles everywhere when they’re rolling, right?
    Ah, all sorts of possible meanings to this…-waits for Monday- O:

  18. I’m inclined to agree with the “Level Up” assumption, as we’ve seen a similar effect in the past with other Dice.

  19. Hah, Fly levels for calling out Claudia? Priceless!

  20. The rolling sparkles are a lot more subtle in the new art style.

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