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Andisel stared intently at the screens before her. She was alone in a massive chamber that looked out into space. There were a few blind folded servants stationed at the entrants in case they were needed. Most of them had been standing in complete silence for hours as Andisel poured over reports. Occasionally, she had burst into shouting and screaming that could be heard in adjoining rooms. The servants stood as still as possible, keeping firmly to their job of not attracting any attention from Andisel. She had a tendency to abuse the closest soft thing she could reach when upset about something. She had been silently reading for an hour now, but nobody dared disturb her. Unfortunately, First had arrived to do just that. He hesitated in the primary door way that led into the room where Andisel sat upon her private little throne. First’s ears seemed to droop even more than normal, his brow was furrowed deeply with worry an his eyes were puffy from lack of sleep. The events of the previous cycle had weighed heavily on him and he was beginning to wonder if now was a good time to take a small ship and retire to some distant part of the universe where no one had even heard of Alien Dice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bear with me. Kim goes back to school next Monday. :D - Tiff Funny, Guys, I hate to imagine the comments if I had typed bare instead of bear. :D

12 thoughts on “08/20/2012

  1. ???

    1. I’d say she’s on trial, and the judge is blindfolded so that he would be impartial.. sorta like some old time judges I saw in a BBC production of.. I think it was of Bleak House by Dickens.

  2. somebody’s in trouble. he he he

  3. How Many Pages are there so far in this strip Tiff?

  4. Well, somebody has to fly that ship.

  5. If there’s a bear with you, Tiff…RUN!

  6. It look like even aliens play pin the tail on the donkey (or would that be tribble?)

    Looks like one bummer of a party though.

    1. I believe tribbles don’t have tails.

  7. Alright you forgetful people. She doesn’t let commoners see her face. It’s part of her whole mysterious crime boss motif. She’s probably re-planing her next move (and grumbling in anger) since her last one was shot down by the Greys. 😛

    1. Yep.

      Though if the Greys have been blocking feed up to this point, she’s probably waiting to see the reports of Lexx’s demise or she just learned that Lexx survived.

      Nothing more annoying to a villain then a victom that beat the odds of surviving that you placed against them.

  8. so is that the alien version of a DMV

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