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“I’ve issued The Gauntlet.” Andisel’s smile widened and a serene look crossed her face. First immediately felt his heart skip a beat and cold terror spread down his spine. He had not expected that answer and it terrified him. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Yup, time was off again. 9.9 Text will likely not be back to current until the week after next. Kim begins school on Monday - HURRAY! Sadly, this has been my worst week. :D Not going to worry about it though. Just getting updates up as promised. The Swiftpaw plush drive is at 10% and next week I will likely begin updating an exclusive Swiftpaw origin story and another story to the Kickstarter backers section in black and white. Only backers will be able to see it. (You can be a backer for $5.) I haven't announced it yet, because I don't want to announce it until I have a couple pages ready. They will be delivered to backer's email accounts and are a bonus to help me meet that impossible goal - thing is... you're going to get these updates whether the kickstarter is successful or not.. at least until it ends. :D - Tiff PS There are TWO stories that I want to do. The one that's Swiftpaw's origin is black and white and is a lot of non talking-fox in danger that only a fox can get into. The second story is going to be done as a 'kid's book', also featuring Swiftpaw as the primary character... being Swiftpaw, hunter of fresh baked goods and eggs. I'm likely to do that one in simple color. These will be digital and exclusives.

17 thoughts on “08/24/2012

  1. Oh dear. I hope the upgrades that the Greys gave Lexx include extra fast recovery and fatigue reduction mods.

    Even if those are included, Lexx is in for one hell of a day when The Gauntlet comes.

    And a pair of Swiftpaw stories is in the works. I look forward to them.

  2. Dun Dun Dun…..

    That is pretty much all I’ve got — so smugly ominous.

  3. Ooooh! So that was why she wasn’t looking so annoyed after she was done with the business on the holoprojectors.

    We did know that she wanted Lexx dead in a rather sadistic way that she wanted things to go her way. Even her first subordinate seems a little shocked by it.

    Considering how by his own admittance, he likes to inspire terror in all that fall under his observation. That must be some horrible action that happens in the Gauntlet if even he isn’t liking the sound of it.

  4. Lexx is in REAL trouble. We’ve seen him nearly die in combat WITH the nanites working on him! What is he going to do without them, with almost every player in the ADC coming for him?!?

    1. The greys never said they were removing all the Nanites…just that they were getting rid of the bad ones. They probably pumped him full of some improved ones.

  5. Well he has the nanites actually, they have simply been cleansed of that virus and upgraded due to the Gray’s “assistance”. So he is facing the guantlet with the nanites, and maybe some cool upgrades.

  6. Oh snap. Not good.

  7. I wonder how the public will react to a popular player going through the Gauntlet. It might end up working against her, if Lexx is so popular. And if the public is as fond of Chel as they seem to be, her reaction might help sway public opinion too.

  8. *sighs* We knew it was comming. Now we see if Tiff wants Lexx to survive the 24 hours of hell.

    Even if he does make it, how will that change everything as they still have the daughter locked away and ready to issue for challenging/experimentation.

  9. Hrm. Given that all of Lexx’s allies anticipated this move, I have a feeling this isn’t going to go the way she wants it to. Let’s see what counter-move they have in mind.

  10. Heh I would so love to have my Infernotin Flag fleet pop up out of a artificaly generated wormhole from the VORTEX Drive on her and take her down.

    I doubt she has any warships at her command and even if she does she would need some pretty extreeme firepower to even penetrate the Ultanium Hull Plating of the Ships let alone the shields.

    Lets just put it this way even the Greys would think twice before messing with the Infernotin Empire if it exisited in this comic. Shoot the IFS Infernostar II itself is even bigger than that ship the Greys have since its a Behemoth class hull not to mention just behind us in this kind of situation we would bring the Lazero Battlestar with us to ensure she couldnt try and escape via activating a “Dimensonal Lockdown” from the battlestar’s core. Basicly that prevents ANY form of faster than light travel in very large area of effect as far as galactic travel is concerned and there is no way her ship could outrun a Javilin ship’s extreeme speed.

    Those babys Impale themselves into a vessel and disgorge boarding partys into the inner areas of a ship. Heh a Cloud of Javilin ships would be quite hard to avoid all of them. The front ends of those things are basicly nothing but armor with a Shield canceling tip. Then the extreeme speed pushes them into the ship itself.

    Her lackys wouldnt last long against force of Infernotin Troops led by Deathwatch Alpha himself. (The Deathwatch are the Infernotin Elite forces each Deathwatch guard’s Power armor is Custom made for them and they wear a cloak that has a special Fiber made from a plant that only grows on the Inferno planet itself, this fiber when one brings the two ends of it into contact renders the wearer invisible to the naked eye and all but the most powerful forms of detection.

    The cloaks also have various exotic elements woven into them that makes them able to resist energy weapon fire and extreemly hard to rip, slice, or tear. The Leader of the Infernotin Deathwatch guards is Deathwatch Alpha.)

  11. Ugh I ended up making that a wall of text X.X Forgot to put some more breaks in it sorry.

    1. I added some for you. 🙂

  12. If Lexx had a spider sense… 😀

  13. o.o No nanites + Gauntlet = fans everywhere praying for a comicbook character.

  14. Lexx has Nanites, they are just fixed. The bad code was removed, but what was left besides the soul echo is the question.

    1. Oh. o.o it seemed like they took them all out (the whole “undo what was done” and him having a headache), and just kind of left him to his own devices, which would really suck.

      Still… Don’t die Lexx. >.>

      Also, I think reading the entire series in a day and a half was kind of a bad decision. I wound up having dreams about it. Good dreams, but still… reading a comic doesn’t usually make me dream about it right away o.0;

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