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“What’s wrong? Sirius told us that Lexx is okay.” Dash kept his head lower than Stealth’s, talking to her in a soothingly deep tone. Stealth didn’t answer. She grunted and spun around to face the opposite direction, lashing her numerous tails in Dash’s face. He watched her walk away, head up at first. It drooped lower with each step.

5 thoughts on “09/04/2012

  1. Why is Stealth so mean do Dash?

    1. Stealth is the sort to take her emotions out on others when she can’t get at what’s really pissing her off. Remember how temperamental she was when Espy was pregnant? I’d bet that she’s angry because she figures that now that pretty much everything else as failed that the ADC is going to issue the Gauntlet. Being right will only make her worse…

  2. … You’re going to torture us for another day, aren’t you?

  3. I think Stealth is still jealous of Sirius cuz Chel was her human first… remember at the begining she was Chel’s kitten Mittens? And she didn’t really start getting so jealous till the other dice asked Chel to give them actual names…just somethin i noticed.

  4. Stealth/Mittens needs to get back in touch with her animal side. Nothing quite relieves stress like a good roar! 😛

    @pixistix: I’d say you’re pretty close to the root of the problem.

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