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09/09/2009 (26 Comments)

“And if nothing happens?” Lexx ventured calmly. His emotions were pushed back suddenly. He would never do anything to harm Chel. Never. . “If I pick up all the dice? Then what?” “You’ll be free to leave or stay if you want.” Victor replied. “If you stay, you will likely be restricted to our facilities on Earth for your own safety.” “Will I be able to go off world as I please?” “No. You either stay on the Earth or off. It’s a matter of National Security.” Sirius listened intently to the conversation between Lexx and Victor. He could hear more than the words. Lexx was just now getting himself together after being caught off guard and Victor was testing him. Except when Chel was mentioned. He was serious about what he said when he was talking about Chel. Sirius clamped his mouth shut tightly and held it. Neither of them were talking about what to do about the dice.

4 thoughts on “09/09/2009 (26 Comments)

  1. See this is hypocrisy at it’s finest (worst). They want friendly aliens to visit. But they can’t come and go as they please? Thats all kinds of stupid no matter how you look at it.

  2. That is dumb and not how you send a welcoming image to the rest of the galaxy. “We accept that you’re an alien and just captured all these dangerous animal-alien hybrids for us but now you must pick between stuck on a planet that you don’t fit in on but can communicate with a girl you love as long as you don’t mind being probed and treated almost like an animal or leave forever into a galaxy that you don’t fit in without the ability to communicate with the girl you love where you will get killed by some galatic company that hates you. Which do you pick as the lesser of two evils?”

  3. So, Vic and his department will be imprisoning Lexx on Earth if he stays, even if all he wants is to live all alone on that island for the rest of his life. I understand this, I really do.

    The government might release information much later on stating that there are aliens, but they will not allow the public to have ANY alien technology, lest civilians use it to break the law. The would do this in the belief that the government is the only organization that should be allowed to use the technology, even if this technology could be used to end world hunger.

    No, it will turn into 1984 as far as alien tech is concerned. Anyone found having it will be imprisoned without trial, because they possess state secrets.

    That is what this would lead to. Can’t allow the aliens to walk free, under the pretense of the aliens’ safety. What they really want is tech and power. Screw Vic. Lexx would be entirely justified in outright telling them that if ANYONE, even Chel comes to capture him, they will all die.

    But especially Keith. I really hate Keith.

  4. I doubt anyone will see this, but keep in mind how aliens have treated earth in the past. Mass abductions, mutilations, and murder. Even the “good” aliens are using earth for a game – and that game has gotten into entry people killed. They have reason to be paranoid.

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