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“I think Victor will at least talk to me, but I don’t know what to say.” Lexx stared at Riley, hoping he had some useful advice. “Sorry, Lexx, that’s up to you.” Riley shrugged. “You’re really not any help, Riley,” grumbled Lexx. “I try.” Riley shot Lexx his most charming smile, fangs and all.

9 thoughts on “09/12/2012

  1. Because that’s what brothers do, give useless advice.

  2. Of course. If we gave useful advice all the time we wouldn’t be brothers anymore.

  3. Oh, but awkward conversations make for the best memories. 😀

  4. Slightly unrelated, but I was playing sims 3 the past week or so, having bought the latest expansion for it, and I went to make one of my sims a writer, and she had a wish to write a SciFi novel, but I couldn’t think of a title… then it hit me, and I made her start writing a series about Alien Dice XD

    A fairy, engaged to a vampire, and writing novels about Aliens. Totally normal X3

    1. Hehe … making me want the expansion….
      I promise new books by winter.

      1. It’s so much fun! But then again, I’m a sims addict who previously only had 2 of the expansions :<

        This is definitely a fun one, though. I love the alchemy, the supernatural hangouts, etc. Unfortunately, there are some glitches that EA doesn't want to actually patch, so they just told everyone to get a mod that someone made, and fix it that way. :/

        1. Ahahaha, are they actually TELLING their fans to get it now? Really?

          I assume they’re referring to AwesomeMod by Pescado. If you DON’T have it already, you really should as it fixes everything EA has never fixed (and has near full customizable optimization for many options you may or may not want). I had trouble playing Sims 3 until I found out he was still providing support for the games because it bugged me that the neighborhood didn’t actually…you know…PROGRESS like was advertised. It’s worth it just for that and the death fixes, even if you disable everything else.

          If you grabbed each new Sims 2 expansion on release, well, he was the guy popping out patches the same week. 😉

          Uh…on topic, on topic. Silly Lex, if you want good advice, you have to have a reliable older sister, not brother. Everyone knows that girls know everything, not guys. *dodges the incoming shoes*

        2. Actually, NRass Master Controller Mod. I had no idea there were bugs that some mod had fixed until I mentioned having issues that I thought were from a gardening mod, and someone told me about the EA suggestion.

          X3 *holds up a shield in front of you to protect you from the shoes*

  5. Reminds me of the scene in Firefly where Mal is fighting a guy on the edge of a big drop, and Zoe and Jayne show up:

    Zoe: Jayne. This somethin’ the Captain has to do for himself.
    Mal: No! No, it’s not!
    Zoe: [surprised] Oh.
    (Zoe and Jayne shoot his attacker. A Lot.)

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