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The bed jiggled and swayed as though something was hopping on it. Chel sat upright and pulled her legs up quickly. She stared at the foot of the bed and three round pairs of eyes stared back at her. A trio of dog sized creatures were positioned around the bed. A green and blue one was staring at her from the corner where it had just jumped and was in the process of climbing up. A second creature, identical to the first bue green and yellow was perched on the rope holding the bed to a frame. The third, also identical to the first two, was orange and pink and was hanging off the frame. Each had a white mask and a short round beak. They didn’t look very menacing, but Chel had been around enough dice to know looks were almost always deceiving.
Bookmarks are in! They look nice! I'll be putting in the order for the charms today and maybe.. start another single charm order for one week. This one would be Stealth: This image has been a favorite of mine since I drew it two years ago. Is anyone interested in it as a pin, keychain/dangly of some sort/charm? I'd have to sell 25 of them at $5 each to order 2" ones or 17 at $5 each to order 1.5" ones. (Add $1-2 for shipping.) Or I could make 1" ones for $5 each and only need 12. Your opinions? If I do this as a charm, it'll only be available for a week so I can order it to arrive in the middle of October, hopefully! It's a good fall charm as well.. I just got distracted. :/ I can always do it for next year.. because I intend to also make it available as a donor exclusive wallpaper. I have to redraw it anyway. :D Text will likely be updated this weekend. I got a new desk this week and I'm able to work a lot easier at it than sitting on a couch or the tiny desk I had before. - Tiff

23 thoughts on “09/17/2010

  1. Awwww. Their faces say ‘babies’ to me…Kiddle invasion, and I spy one of Sirius’ type under her bed. Interesting to meet another. Wonder if his gentle nature is just Sirius, or part of his species?

  2. Adorable! I want!
    Well, at least if she’s indentured to the game (Heaven forbid) she’ll have some nice companions. I wonder if that’s done on purpose, and they’ll play up her cute/girly side rather than her warrior side.

  3. So gorgeous! Are they triplets?

  4. I hope she’s not just hallucinating…

  5. They look like they’re made of sherbert! Awwwww!

    1. Sherbert Otter Budgies.. heheh πŸ˜€

  6. If she’s just talking with the dice over her relay then I will say “awww”, but if that is in person, I urge her to NOT trust the pendants the three little dice are wearing.
    If it’s a dream, then neither apply. *grin*

  7. My first thought (well, my second thought; my first was “Awww!”) was that someone slipped SOMETHING into her food.

  8. *awwwww* so cute I gotta be suspicious! ^^
    The Sirius lookalike also has a different color, has horns and itΒ΄s smaller (perhaps gender-dimorphism?)

  9. That… Is NOT the room she went to sleep in. Also, radioactive ground birds.

    1. Thank you. Definitely not her room.

      Chel’s first thought: *Wish I could say nothing like this has ever happened before.*

  10. Awwww the triplets look like brightly colored miniatures of Drift’s current form

  11. aww look who has the pretty horns!

  12. Way too cute, I like the Sirius type under the bed, reminds me of my puppies!

    Also on the note of the charm/pin thingy.. I absolutely love it and would definitely order one, when it comes available!

  13. Ohmygosh cute overload. o_o I totally want one of those little guys as a plush! 83 They are just overly adorable!
    I love the ‘Sirius cousin’ under the bed. It looks a bit older, actually, or possibly higher level with the horns.
    I adore your different creature designs, Tiff. ^^ You certainly stray from the ordinary!

  14. It looks like Commander First’s spaceship was hit by a tornado and landed in Oz. Is this the welcoming committee from the lollipop guild?

    More seriously, I wonder if this is the planet Litta. If so, then these cute critters might not be dice, but instead are animals commonly used for making starting dice.

  15. *gasp!*
    where am I? Is this littia? where are the hostage kids? why am i floating in a canopy bed? what’s happening? don’t they know that most people of my race hate pink and other flesh colors? what’s with all these furry lizards? am i allergic? ’cause i wanna hug one so bad!!!!!!

    end transmission from chel’s brain

  16. I love dragons so “Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay another dragon!”, however his brown “fur” gives him a common look. So πŸ™ for not mysterious color scheme. And, πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ for another dragon!

  17. Love the mittens/pumpkin/halloween charms. Would be interested in about 5 of those, 1″ to 1.5″ I would say is a good size, then you could use it for other things. Can email or should I just donate?

  18. i’d be interested in buying one of those keychains… maybe even two!

  19. Things are definitely getting interesting. Looks like Sirius might end up with a mate. What are those parrot monkey hybrids doing there any way? What are they called? Can we buy plushies of them?

  20. oooh…i as just looking back a few pages…and noticed something between this panel and the previous xD

    The angles of viewpoint on Chel in the previous panel…are actually the visions of the ird creatures in this panel =D based on where those bird creatures are hanging/sitting xD

    Or at least…thats how it is appearing to me xD

  21. I love these little guys! Just look at them! They’re adorable!

    For some reason, they remind me of the baby cobras from skin horse, though. “Carry me!” “You smell like librarian!”

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