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Lexx took a deep breath and put his hand on the door plate, speaking calmly, “Lexx here to see Chel.” The door slid open immediately and Lexx was suddenly frozen in place at the sight on the other side. His calm expression blinked into the blank look of a deer caught in headlights, then an accepting frown that the last thing he expected was waiting for him. Keith, Victor and Chel were sitting on one couch, with an array of foods laid out in front of them on the sitting table. Keith was leaned back smiling in a casual way that made Lexx wonder what he was really thinking. Vic was in the middle of eating something and seemed to be in a far more jovial mood than Lexx would have thought he would see him in. Chel was sitting next to him in a long sleeved red shirt and jeans. She looked nervous and Lexx had to exercise a great amount of self control to avoid rushing over to her, but it was the presence of the last person in the room that really shocked Lexx. Zaile was sitting on the couch setting a plate beside him. He was smiling and looking uncharacteristically cheerful. “I was wondering when you would show up.” Vic gestured to Lexx to join them. “I thought I would save you some time, Lexx,” added Zaile with a smile that really looked genuine. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No update tomorrow - nothing to do with the Kickstarter failing, just that I've been doing the Friday update on Thursday for the last two weeks and haven't managed to get back on schedule. :P (Same thing for my Friday Cyantia update also not going up.) So I'm using THIS week to reset my schedule. There will be a week with an extra update to make up for it. I just need my work schedule back in proper sync. Last call. Just over a day left to at least get another chance at me making a Swiftpaw plush toy. If it gets to 50%, I'll try again next year. If not, I consider that enough of a message to not do it. - Tiff

20 thoughts on “09/19/2012

  1. Heh. How come Claudia is not here to make Lexx’ life even more of a living hell? It’s not like her to miss an opportunity like that…

    1. they might not have told her about it.

      And Lexx, you pulled that Chance card. Go directly to Chaperoned. Do not pass “go” do not collect kisses.

  2. Poor Lexx, what a kick in the teeth.

    “I was wondering when you would show up.” Oh yeah, he just got over life threatening injuries and mind intrusions is all; should have gotten there after being explained the situation himself so much sooner…

  3. From nervous to sheer heart sinking in under 2 seconds … a new record!

  4. To pull an overused phrase… “This will not end well.”

    1. Well at least they brought snacks!

  5. They brought snacks!

  6. Meh I would help with the Kickstarter if I could but I dont have any money right now 🙁

  7. Poor Lexx 8< I agree that will likely not go well.

    :'( looks like I'm not getting my swiftpaw plushie 8'< I was looking forward to sticking him next to my monitor!

    1. You can get one, you just have to pledge $20.

  8. Lexx: “Yes, remind me to “thank” you for that later. >:(

  9. Awkward…just…awkward…

  10. It would be nice if his brother actually -did- save him some time and obnoxious explanations, seeing as Chel is there and all, so the guy probably was trying to help.

  11. I pledged as much as I could to the Kickstarter – especially as I am being forced to buy a house several years before I expected.

    1. That sounds like a good thing to be forced to do!!

      1. Ye-ess… fortunately there is this program: http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/HSF-About_Guaranteed_Loans.html Even then I couldn’t do it if I weren’t looking at short sale houses, as the normal price of even ‘affordable housing’ is double what I could manage.

        1. ALL we need is 3.5% downpayment, so $3,500-$4,000. ($5,000 is what I’m intending to have so I have $1K for doing stuff to the house if it needs it.)
          They offered us the Rural program and as much as I’d LOVE it – my husband would not. He would have to drive 20-30 miles to get to work and that’s not fun. He hates driving and it’s expensive. 😛

        2. Of course.. I do need to finish the process by getting another copy of my social security card. 😛

  12. Hmm yes and I heard that is a big pain in the butt to do. My sister had her car broken into at the park while we were walking, and she had the misfortune of leaving her purse in there, not thinking anyone would break into it in broad daylight she was PISSED to find her drivers side window busted and purse gone. And all three of her childrens social security cards were in there. It’s been 7 years now and she still hasn’t done it due to the pain in the butt of doing it. They gave her allot of grief about the whole process. It would have been so much easier to do it in the past but since 9/11, everything is such a pain in the arse to do for even such a little thing as a this.
    Anywho I am also sad about no Swiftpaw Plushie. -sniffles- Though I would have been more ecstatic about a Lexx plush; I was really looking forward to this little guy. I’m surprised it hasn’t gotten farther than this!

    1. Yeah, it’s a pain because you HAVE to go to the office with your driver’s license or MAIL it in. 🙁 We have one vehicle and I do not have five hours to go stand in the Denton County Courthouse… and am reluctant to send my driver’s license through the mail and be without it for two weeks.. not that I ever use it. I hate driving. 😛

      Unfortunately. This comic has never been much of a revenue generator for me in anything but ads. I’ve stuck with it because of a combination of reader support and ads shoring up the minimum, but since the economy collapsed, it’s been steadily downhill from there. So it’s not a surprise. It’s sad, but not a surprise. Unfortunately, ads are also declining massively even with more readership and I’m still trying to hold out, but as noted above, we need to move, and making that kind of money by March is going to be very difficult.

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