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September 22, 2006 (4 Comments)

'They don't tell me what they do... I don't ask. If I asked, would they tell me? It does kind of justify me not telling them... right?' Chel mused to herself. An uncomfortable heavy sensation stirred in the pit of her stomach. "It's better to be oblivious to the dangers around you than do something about it?" Keith suggested. "Not everyone in the world can handle knowing what's out there. They panic... sometimes unnecessarily." Chel carefully chose her words. "You?" "Keith..." Chel nervously ran her hand through her hair. She had to tell someone. Someone other than her brother and sister. Someone who would understand. He could offer impartial insight, which she felt she really needed and didn't have the courage to bring up to her mother and father. Keith couldn't forbid her from having contact with Lexx. There wouldn't be a 'heated discussion', right? "I have a secret."

3 thoughts on “September 22, 2006 (4 Comments)

  1. …you know, when Chel said ‘I have a secret’, a series of images popped into my head…images, where Vic sent Keith to talk with his daughter…talk about the things from the past, lead the conversation along…and maybe get her to confess…all while they are watching.

    1. That would be cruel, invasive, and stupid…*sigh* well, sounds like Vic.

  2. No, Chel, no! He’ll tell his dad!

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