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September 26, 2003 (1 Comment)

Andrea was not sleeping in her room like Chel had thought she was.  She had decided since her sister wasn't there to invite a few friends over for a party, then went out to catch a late movie.  After the movie, they had gone to another friend's house and been invited to try out a few wine coolers and some other drinks that Andrea couldn't recall the names of. It was three am when she was dropped off at home,… accompanied  by her boyfriend, Jonathan.  Jonathan lived around the block, so hadn't driven and Andrea wasn't about to borrow the family car. While Jonathan stopped to have a less than sober chat with the friend who had dropped them off, Andrea went in and turned on the stereo, not really caring about the volume. Chel grumbled, pulling the pillow over her head to block out the sound of the stereo.  At first, she thought it was coming from outside and hoped it would be turned down quickly. There were few things more annoying than hearing music thumping away so loudly that you could feel it, but nothing but a mumble came through for lyrics. Then, there was the sound of breaking glass that shook Chel fully awake. She jerked out from under the pillow and looked around the dark room, two thoughts going through her head, one, had she heard a window break and two, why was the stereo up so loud?  There was the possibility that it was one of her siblings, but the breaking glass?  What if someone was in the process of breaking in? Hurriedly, Chel got up and put on her robe.  It wasn't the time of year for such a heavy robe, but she wasn't going to be walking out into the living room in her panties and it would take too much effort to put her pants back on.  Just in case, she walked over to her dresser and removed her revolver.  She wasn't taking any chances. Chel walked quietly down the hall, relaxing when she heard Andrea laughing over the loud music.  So it was just her sister.  Chel started to say something as she entered the living room, but stopped, noticing that Andrea wasn't the only one there,… and the living room was a complete disaster.

3 thoughts on “September 26, 2003 (1 Comment)

  1. I thought the gun was her dad’s, not hers?

    (Also, bad Chel! That should be in a locked safe, not in a dresser drawer! Especially with Kip around, but even before that!)

    1. meh either the author forgot about that detail or it became hers be default since she seems to be using it more than her dad :P.

      also i think the rules in the states are a little more lax than in canada. not saying there isn`t any rules but when you aren`t legally charged for defending yourself, i guess having a gun a little more readily available is more common, or norm.

      1. Responsible firearm owners DO keep their firearms locked up. ESPECIALLY when there are children (even up to and including teens) in the house. Most modern pistol safes have a “quick open” lock system (push 4-5 buttons in a specific pattern to open) so that the firearm is readily available in an emergency, but still locked away from inapropriate users.

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