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September 26, 2005 (2 Comments)

'I should kiss her.' Lexx lifted Chel's hand. She turned to face him, smiling pleasantly. "It's pretty…" She sighed. Then she looked away. A serious expression had suddenly taken over her face and shifted her mouth from a smile to an uncertain frown. "I will have to tell my parents about you before then." Why did she have to do this? Lexx scowled inside, prodded along my a sudden prickling sensation in his head. Why did Chel have to interrupt these moments with reality? Why couldn't she just let things go on to wherever they might lead? "I'm not sure how they will take it." Chel's forward wrinkled slightly She was running the scenario through her mind quickly. "They'll probably overreact. Maybe not. They're a little over protective." There was not going to be an easy way to reveal Lexx to her parents. For awhile, Chel had pushed the thoughts out of her mind, but the more certain Lexx's extending presence was, the more she wanted to tell them. She didn't like sneaking around and being secretive and knew that was what was going to happen if Lexx stayed on Earth. It would happen. And Chel would have to build up the courage to tell her parents the most incredibly unbelievable story and then, introduce them to a nervous alien. She had a feeling that Lexx, despite his smooth words and commanding demeanor, would fold in the presence of her father. Not all boys did. But in Chel's eyes, it would be a good thing if he did. Her father didn't like cocky, stupidly over-confident young men.

One thought on “September 26, 2005 (2 Comments)

  1. Keeping reality out of the conversation and going with the mood to wherever it may lead? If I recall correctly, that’s why Epsy is in her current state, is it not?

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