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October 10, 2005 (1 Comment)

Maenae bounced down the hall giggling joyously with a young female littan walking quickly after her. Riley nodded in acknowledgement of his ship's Prime captain, Torin. She had been a childhood friend of Riley's and despite her missing right arm, was a very capable captain. It was a birth defect that robbed her of any way to serve on an official ship, but to Riley, she was invaluable. She was trying not to smile too much at the child's ecstatic greeting for her employer. "Maenae?! What are you doing here?" Riley could not hide his surprise. How did the little girl end up on his ship so far away from the boarding station. He looked at Torin questioning her with his eyes, hoping she had an explanation. "I found her at the shipping docks at our last checkpoint, Sir." Torin smiled and gestured at Maenae with the stub of her right arm. "Apparently she ran away - we couldn't just leave her there." "Of course, Torin." Riley nodded appreciatively, still wondering how Maenae had slipped out. "Good call." It seemed really strange to Riley and he couldn't help but wonder if the ADC hadn't done something to assist Maenae in her escape.

One thought on “October 10, 2005 (1 Comment)

  1. well, that answered my question…

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