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He’s coming for me. Chel attempted to encourage herself. She couldn’t do anything for the children right now, but maybe if she could just get herself feeling better she could see a way out. At the moment, that way out was Lexx. Right into a trap for me. He had to know it was a trap. But maybe there’s a way out they don’t know about. Chel cautiously picked up a piece of fruit that looked like a wedge of a tiny cantaloupe and took an experimental nibble. She had to eat to keep her strength up and there was a chance the food wasn’t drugged. She needed to keep her eyes open for any opportunity to get away. Chel smiled. The food was actually good. Far better than anything she had eaten on the transport ship. It didn’t taste odd. It tasted just like fresh fruit, a little strawberryish. Then, something really important occurred to her. Afterall, Lexx will know where I am no matter where they take me. She would know when Lexx arrived. He would be able to find her if she could get out of this place that she was in, but first she had to find out where she was at and how big it was and most importantly, how to get out.

10 thoughts on “10/11/2010

  1. Smugness will get you and/or your boyfriend killed Chel… Geeze, didn’t you ever watch horror movies?

  2. What beautiful shading! Lovely art, Tiff!

  3. i am with fluffysama on that. she thinks to highly that lexx is going to save her well if somehow he dies she should come up with a plan for escape.

  4. It’s magical hair! As the person’s mood improves their hair gets longer. Seriously, from panel 1-3 it grows like 3-4 inches longer. 0.o

    1. Her head was bent forward in panel 1, it is upright in panel 3, thus the appearance of her hair being longer.

  5. Bonus points for optimism, there… but I want to know who spiked her food, and with what.

  6. Oh no! Chel just ate her fortune cookie without reading it. It had the secret escape plans in it!

    1. I think that’s a fruit slice. And she only ate half of it. 😉

  7. @Me-nah, Chel just just lifted her head (tilted it back a bit) and her hair flowed back down her neck 😛
    I really need to keep better track of things, does she still have those relay nanite thingies in her? and with her having her own dice, would that make her a candidate for someone to challenge in the game? I really really need to get a playbill for this; well, that and read it more often …

  8. Hmm.. she’s thinking about herself when her boyfriend is going to get himself killed.

    I don’t like Chel.

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