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October 13, 2006 (2 Comments)

Chel fumed until Andrea had vanished around the corner. Silently, she walked along the side of the wall. Keith followed without question. "I'm sorry about that, Keith." Chel turned to Keith once they were back around the building. "You know how siblings can be." "You better be, forcing your sister to spray us with soda!" Keith tugged at his soda laden shorts, which were sticking uncomfortably to his skin. "I can't believe you!" He smiled. Chel smiled back. "Even drenched in soda,.. you're wonderful." Keith looked away from Chel, taking a moment to stretch and consider what his options were at that moment. He felt a little guilty for looking at Chel as anything other than a friend, because they had been friends for so long. Andrea had ruined their conversation, but he still had a dinner to look forward to. "I can't help but smile." Chel's head was turned, but she was looking at Keith from the corner of her eyes, taking a brief moment to admire Keith's abs. "Keith's definitely not wasting his time laying around this summer." She wondered what exactly he was doing that had him working out... then thought back to their earlier conversation. Chel had her suspicions.

5 thoughts on “October 13, 2006 (2 Comments)

  1. i dont trust this keith-schmuck…

    1. I agree. I smell a plant…

      1. well they were sitting in bushes >>


        1. Stop beating around the bush before you get bushwhacked in your bushy head, leaf them alone, I’m not going out on a branch here but if you keep rooting around you’re likely to make them grow angrier. And sorry about all the plant puns; I’m not making you green with envy am I? XD

        2. You’re awful. I approve.

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