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October 26, 2007 (4 Comments)

"Quiet you or I shall be forced to stuff that ribbon down your throat." Claudia glared in Stealth's direction. "If you can spare a few fingers, go for it." A huge grin spread over Stealth's feline face, showing off her sharp pointy teeth. Claudia scowled and with a dismissive hmpth, turned and left the room. Meanwhile, Lexx had finished his own change of clothes and joined Riley on the primary balcony. It was being set up for dinner and lights flooded the area. A dozen servants were busily placing trays of steaming food on the tables and carrying chairs to the rows of tables on the far side of the balcony. Lexx watched the activity with interest. It was for him, but probably not what he would have chosen. There was just too much going on. "Damian never does anything halfway ... I think he went overboard." Lexx observed. "This food is so expensive." A lot of it, he realized, was also food he wouldn't have any interest in even trying. Various foods from different alien cultures adorned the tables and some of it was easily recognizable as coming from previously living organisms." "Really? You don't like parties celebrating your achievements where you don't know anyone invited?" Riley sarcastically responded.

One thought on “October 26, 2007 (4 Comments)

  1. Man, I would love to be there to taste the yummy banquet foods.

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