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They continued on down several streets until they came to a row of low entranceways that bordered one of the large warehouse type buildings on one side and fields to the other.  Chel could hear kids playing behind the walls, but didn’t see anything of them. “Here.”  Caillem grinned back at Chel as they reached a wall marked with orange and turquoise sections.  Chel briefly saw a blue ball bounce up and hit the edge of the roof, followed by a scuffling sound and laughter.  She followed Caillem into a small courtyard where two boys were playing. They look like … Chel suddenly found herself on the opposite end of the stares as she stopped walking and took in the sight of the boys.  Lexx. They were maybe 8 or 9 years old and one of them had the same kind of hair in color and texture as Lexx.  He actually looked like a much younger version of Lexx.  The other one would have looked just as much like him if his hair wasn’t white.

17 thoughts on “10/27/2010

  1. aw there so cute… yeh ther cut now but soon they;’e get mean and nasty and then there will be a thousn mor of them. by the way FIRRRRRRRRRRRST

  2. they’re probably going to be a bit more cynical once Chel talks with them.

  3. *retrieving Jaw from floor* Wow Tiff! Great little plot twist there.

  4. That – that was a beautiful twist…though it makes sense, in a sad, screwed-up way…Lexx has proven to be the ultimate Dice in her experience, so why not field a whole team of him? If these aren’t her love-hate children made by artificial means, I mean. Or something. GAH!

  5. But… I was under the impression Lexx hadn’t sold the legal rights to his children…

    But hasn’t Lexx’s company been purchased by rich ladies before? I guess they could have sold the rights to /their/ children.

  6. Wait, these are the servant’s quarters, right? O: Like Caillem said back on 10/18…so does that mean these rishans are servants, or are they just being kept here?
    Rishans /are/ basically the slaves of the galaxy, right? That’s what they were bred for…

  7. It’ll be more clear on Monday. Sadly, this is the last update of the week due to not wanting to split this update into two separate ones.

  8. Oh dear… Cute, yes, but this is unlikely to be good.

  9. So Relatives, clones, robots, stolen DNA kids or long lost children? I also offer blackjack and poker.

  10. Something tells me that Riley doesn’t know about this.

  11. *twitches* the resemblence…is uncanny wow.

  12. Huh. I wonder if those children are Lexx’ nephews. Very little has been said about the life his brother has led. I think there’s also the possibility that they’re cousins of Lexx, as he did have other family than just his parents.

    It’s also possible that these children aren’t related to Lexx and that the resemblance is only coincidental.

    I’m betting one of the former two, but I won’t discount the possibility of the latter one.

  13. don’t call me racist for this but all the rishan look the same to me

  14. Need update. Must have my PRECIOUS!

  15. Patience Me-san, the wait is not as long as it seems.

    Gollum impressions and David Carradine impressions just don’t work without the proper voices.

  16. We have learned that Lexx has living grandparents. Maybe those kids are his cousins — or maybe uncles.

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