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11/04/2009 (19 Comments)

“Are you done with your tantrum?”  Victor waited a few more silent minutes. Lexx responded with a very slight nod.  He didn’t appreciate being treated like this and he was uncertain how he should respond.  It all brought back memories of that same look being leveled at him by his own mother or father when he was a child.  It was something completely different from the looks he had received when he misbehaved in the ADC academy from those in charge. Those looks of disdain were more often than not followed by some sort of physical or psychological punishment that far outweighed whatever it was that he had done.  Victor’s look was punishment enough. “Lexx,”  Riley invaded Lexx’s thoughts again.  “Chel has been taken by Trasik.” “Surely she …”  Lexx was confused.  Why would Trasik take Chel?  Why?    “No … how …” “Trasik is going to make you challenge her this time.”  Riley sighed.  There was just no end to his sister’s schemes to defeat Lexx and this one was among her lowest. “No …”  Lexx groaned in horror.  “No…”  This had far more implications than a challenge from Trasik.  If she succeeded, then it opened the door for others to do the same.

2 thoughts on “11/04/2009 (19 Comments)

  1. It’s not just that. He already challenged Trasik during this period…which means, another challenge would be a clear violation of the rules, which may well lead to his reset.

    1. Unless he can challenge as many times as he want… then he could be set up to do a gauntlet…

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