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November 12, 2003 (3 Comments)

For a moment, Lexx was staring at the kourwine, captivated by the new look.  Of course, every time he saw Claudia she had a new look.  This one was especially striking.  Her hair was a shimmering blue-white and it matched the outfit she had on very nicely.   For a much briefer moment, he entertained the thought of just letting her do whatever she wanted with him, but that was immediately chased away by her usual overzealous movements. "Lexx!  Look what I caught for you!"  Claudia giggled gleefully. "I didn't need any help, Claudia,"   grumbled Lexx, idly rubbing his forehead.  His head was starting to ache.  There was something odd about Rook.  She hopped up next to Claudia, swaying in an unbalanced manner. "I didn't come here intending to catch your dice,"  laughed Claudia, "She invited herself to my little party." "I catched myself!!"  Rook chirped in a slurred tone.  "Peraise me 'n gimme a treat!!"

4 thoughts on “November 12, 2003 (3 Comments)

  1. Hi! Skimming over the old ones. You know, I STILL use this phrase when I do something cool, and people have no clue I’m quoting. (or why my little sister, who HAS read this, keeps laughing.) 😉

  2. Heh…yeah, I can see that being used as a phrase. 😀

    Though I wonder…what in the world has Rook been drinking? XD

    1. Its that one drink that you can’t actually get drunk on… I forgot what it was called, but I’m certain that Claudia had some, and Rook drank it.

      1. Hah! It’s cute that you think Claudia would have any use for low alcohol content beverages. How do you think she got all those other men to ‘play’ with her?

        Her wit and charm?

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