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November 16, 2006 (2 Comments)

"I would've hit them..." Lexx reflected, watching them leave, his anger slowly ebbing away. He had restrained himself at the sudden image of Chel scolding him for kicking Zeta so long ago. Most of the time, he wouldn't hit the dice, but there were a few times when he just couldn't stop himself. Lexx took a deep breath and settled onto the couch to settle himself. He ran his fingers through the now shortened golden hair on the right side of his head. He had been trimming it, but his hands slipped when the dice had begun their fight. He would have to shorten the other side. "I wonder what got into them. I've never seen Energy snap at any of the other dice." It mystified him. Energy was the most obedient dice he had. Energy did everything that was asked of him without question. He was a calming force on the ship. "Stealth most likely started it ..." Lexx went over the obvious instigator. Stealth. She was up to something. Then his eyes drifted to the spatters of blood decorating the floor. "I'll have to tend to Energy later,... after I clean up this mess." He closed his eyes and sighed, realizing how quiet the ship had become. There was only the steady hum of the engines. "Chel..." He whispered in his mind, thinking about her. "I'd like to talk to you right now. It's lonely here."

One thought on “November 16, 2006 (2 Comments)

  1. The dice are a lot like children…unless they learn who the boss is, they’ll never learn reason…or humbleness.

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