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November 19, 2007 (2 Comments)

The moment was perfect He missed Claudia storming away. He missed Riley waving them off cheerfully. He missed Lisaan attempting to make an exit and almost running into Damian making his entrance. "Let's try to get aw-" Lexx began to invite Chel down one of the quiet side balconies. "There you are!" Damian shouted excitedly. He literally pounced on them, wrapping his arms around both of them in a tight embrace. "I've been looking for you! I ... -we- have a gift for you!" "Bu-" Lexx tried to protest. "Deuce, why can't I get a single uninterrupted moment with Chel?!" Chel gasped, trying to wriggle enough out of Damian's grip that she could breathe.

6 thoughts on “November 19, 2007 (2 Comments)

  1. Why can’t you get a moment? Cause Fate likes messing with people. YOU especially Lexx.

  2. Damien to the rescue again- wait…I don’t think they wanted to be rescued…

    1. Totally stole my thought there, how you people do it? Every time i come up with something funny/clever etc. – already taken…need to work on something more original next time 😀

  3. Why? Because you’re a fool for trying to get that moment while surrounded by your friends…because you know…who needs enemies, if they have friends like that 😛

  4. Here’s a helpful hint: Don’t try to have moments when surrounded by people.

  5. They’ve had more moments crashed than Route 66 on rush hour.

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