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“You two don’t repeat what I said.”  Lessa glanced at Rume and Taum. “Yes, mother.”  The boys quickly nodded and spoke in unison. Lexx thinks his mother is dead! Chel stared at Lessa wide eyed.  The thought had entered her head repeatedly that this was something that Lexx needed to know and what it meant.  Slowly, she stood up and stated what was on her mind to Lessa, “Lexx thinks you’re –“ “That I am dead?”  Lessa frowned and closed her eyes as though the very thought pained her.  “Yes, it’s not how I want it, but it’s better this way.”  And for the first time, she sounded truly calm.

10 thoughts on “12/10/2010

  1. I think Chel must be very confused by now.

  2. True but now everyone can stop cursing Riley for not telling Lexx

  3. XD I LOVE Chel’s faces. ^_^

    “You two don’t repeat what I said.” I’ve got news for Lexx’s mom, Monkey see (hear) monkey do.

  4. Lexx is gonna be MAAAAAAD!
    He believes the only reason the ADC could have taken him was because he’s an orphan. When he finds out he has family, he’s gonna spiral into BAD depression (convinced they didn’t want him, don’t care about him, left him for dead, ect)
    I, for one, do NOT think this is a good thing. Interesting, but I’d rather see him pull OUT of all his emo problems…not sink back into (or go FURTHER into) them.
    Been reading Alien Dice for much longer than I care to admit (and mostly silently) but…not a fan. Grandma and cousins? Sure, no problem. Heck, even Brother and sister. But unless Mom and Grandma have REALY good reasons to have stayed out of his life, I cannot see this ending well!

  5. Er, MEANT to say not a fan of this storyline. Ever since Chel was abducted, actually.
    BIG Fan of the “comic” (online graphic novel would be closer, it’s not funnypages)

  6. Now we know from whom Lexx inherited his emo.

  7. … It is never okay to let your children think you are dead. Even if you think it’s better for them, it’s typically not. I’m looking forward to her explanation as to why though.

  8. Watch chel think that by Lexx knowing his family is alive then all the world will be set straight. It never works that way, and sadly never will because people are just selfish like that. Some loophole will probably be found that says the equivalent of ” said person, by signing this contract, has hereby agreed to forever serve the Absolute D!cks Corporation until they die.” and i’m sorry if my language offends anyone. I couldn’t think of another insult that starts with D.

  9. ~Been a long time since i commented… a LONG time, years i think.

    ~anyway i think that Mom needs a good smack upside the head. she needs to hop on a holo link and give him the verbal what-for and then explain everything.

    ~personally, i think lexx needs to give in to violence for a time. make chel seriously rethink what her feelings are. then, have lexx go back to normal and continue on with the plot.

  10. Now we know from whom Lexx inherited his emo.

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