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“Parts of it were true.” Lessa continued. “You need truth to anchor the lies. My ship was destroyed in a battle with raiders as the report goes, but I landed my ship.”

8 thoughts on “12/15/2010

  1. Wow, she looks soo sad.

  2. Za?

    Well, I guess she means that you need just enough truth to make the lies believable.

    Still, I was told that ‘Satan gives you nine truths and one lie.’ I’m still waiting for when she gives the excuse that makes it ‘okay.’

  3. Someone who *always* lies is as reliable as someone who always tells the truth. It is a trivial exercise in logic to convert reliable lies into reliable truth. By mixing truth and falsehood, the liar not only tries to get you to believe lies, but also to doubt the truth. The first sin in the Bible was not eating the “apple”, but slander, “Did God *really* say …”.

  4. With all the fantastic nano-tech, why can’t her face be rebuilt? Or is it only for the ultra rich and dice slaves? (Kind of like socialized healthcare.)

  5. Good point Stuart! Both her eyes are really amazing, well done!

  6. I think her face being the way it is has something to do with not wanting to reveal herself as of yet.

  7. I love her robot eye!

  8. Correct me if I’m wrong, or I missed something, but I remember a lo-o-o-ong time ago, Lexx said something like the dice players had to be orphans. Something like “the unwanted refuse of the universe.” Since he dose apparently have family, doesn’t that void his player status? Or is it once a player, you win or nothing? Sorry, I’m one of those annoying people who remembers plot devices forever.

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