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“I was pregnant and they took the baby.” Lessa muttered. That was her last flight and she wasn’t even supposed to have been out, but another pilot was too ill to fly and Lessa had filled in for her. They needed everyone they could get and Lessa was confident this trip would be like any other. She was an excellent pilot. This time, the raiders also had excellent pilots. Her decision to do what was best for the protection of the station and her son had cost her. “It wasn’t supposed to happen there.” Lessa didn’t remember anything during that time. She had slipped into a coma during the initial treatments and the baby had been delivered. “We were supposed to be safe among our own kind.” ---------------------------------------------- Trying VERY hard to get caught up.  Comics are done for the week - text is not.  It was SUPPOSED to be done by today - but I had a very sick child over the weekend. :/  Now it's winter vacation and family is here and I'll still be working as usual around them.  I'll try again to work on text tomorrow.. but I also have to lay out the next page!  ARGH! - Tiff

14 thoughts on “12/20/2010

  1. What the everloving hell is WRONG with this universe!? The list of “People who need to be set on fire” is getting long enough that it’s in danger passing the critical limit and collapsing into a black hole from its own mass.

  2. So THAT is how they got Lexx’s sister. Damn ADC.

  3. Seriously – you c-section/induce labor (and I’m not sure which is more traumatic) a burn patient (and soldier; Geneva Conventions go “What?!”) in order to sell her kid on the blackmarket as a potential blood sport candidate?!

    What kind of hospital is this?! Even House isn’t that misanthropic!

  4. Betrayal. Disfiguring injury. Personal loss.
    This would make a GREAT super-villain genesis story in any other comic. Too bad the Shira family has that pesky morality streak running in them (with a few exceptions).

  5. Love the comic, but don’t forget to relax as well ^^

  6. Operation annilation of ADC and its leaders is to be carried out with extreeme predjudice!

  7. @ Sabreur: and that’s just the list. Nevermind the jailhouse if they are all rounded up at the same time.
    @ Fireshot: Definitely.

  8. P.S.
    Since when are pilots with full-term pregnancies allowed to fly combat missions? This hints at an act of desperation. I hope we get more exposition when the text is put up.

    Medical supplies like the neck and arm brace are usually produced in ‘flesh’ color to blend in. You would think a Rishan ship would have the right color in stock. Although, I guess on a front line cruiser you can’t be picky.

  9. @ OB Juan: In the age of nannites, I suspect that trying to conceal a medical brace is like painting a toaster oven to look like an iPhone, so why bother.

    In this universe, everything seems to come in 2 colors: sparkly (e.g. the teleporting light vortexes) and deceptively dull looking (e.g. Lexx’s more dangerous dice).

  10. Family comes first. If you have a sick child, to hell with the strip!! So what if you need to miss a day or more. We’ll be here when you’re ready. Any reader who disagrees isn’t worth your time or attention. My best wishes for a swift recovery for your dear one.

    1. If it were only that easy. 😀

    2. I agree that family comes first, but if pirates sink the ship, you’re just as dead in your room as you are in your stat fighter…

  11. 1) we don’t know how long after the accident this scene is happening (3 months, 5, 7?)
    2) and Rishans are apparently no more noble than any other species in the ADC-verse …
    3) I can wait for the text to go with the story.

  12. I say we send Sun (http://halfprince.wordpress.com/sunknight-main/sunknight-synopses/#note1-6) after them. Then tazer them when they are distracted. Or use an army of dice to destroy them. It would only be fitting.

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