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“Lexx!” Hearing his name called, Lexx jerked his head around to look up the slope. It was Chel’s voice and she was standing next to someone who looked suspiciously like Keith. “Up here, Lexx!” Chel waved at Lexx. Lexx stood in the grass, staring at the pair and noticing the rather large creature towering over them, also eyeing them. Keith’s dragon. Lexx froze for the moment, simply taking in what he was seeing. How was this possible? --------------------------------- I'm experimenting with Manga Studio. It has some cool and handy features in it, like setting certain layers up as references and IGNORING the other layers. This is very handy for doing a cel style. It's actually something I WISHED Photoshop had for years, so when I figured it out in MS, I've been all over it. It's so much EASIER to do now, although still easy for me to lose time and overdraw things, because I'm using the same tools I use to INK with! I've also begun creating props. Props are items I store in Manga Studio as a material that I can drop into a scene for added elements when there's a large empty area. I think I'm going to redo my bush prop, but the half a dozen rocks I drew and flat colored, they come out SO awesome, as you can see. I can reuse that rock in combination with the other rocks and they'll rarely look the same and can be adjusted to any size I need. I like my rocks! - Tiff ** PS ** Laugh! Overdraw means that I draw more lines than necessary. :D Lines that get lost when I post to web or print. :)

5 thoughts on “2013-12-07-Day-27-1-10

  1. Actually MangaStudio allows you to set the tool to NOT overdraw but stop at the middle of the line from reference frame. If you don’t find it yourself just gimme a mail and I explain how to do it.

  2. Thus Lexx takes a trip within a world of Keith’s imagination. XD

    *Cue Willy Wonka’s pure imagination song*

  3. yes, your rock rocks. 🙂

  4. lol, I didn’t notice the dragon untill I looked at the bushes after reading your message, bush… bush… bu- dragon! 😛 Also, I didn’t know PhotoShop didn’t have that, though I never actually used PS (I use Gimp)

  5. I like your rocks too. Good rocks.

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