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Stealth sprang forward, the fur along her back raised in alarm, wings arcing up and out. “You can’t do that, Lexx!” She hissed

6 thoughts on “2014-02-26-Day-27-2-5

  1. Stealth and Lexx have the same wing reactions when they panic.

  2. Lexx: Wake everybody up and tell them I’m leaving.

    Stealth: You can’t do that, Lexx! Chel’ll wake up REALLY mean if she’s disturbed at this sort of hour!! *shudder*


  3. It only seems fair to tell them that he’s leaving and give them some idea he might not be coming back.

    he has everything set for both his Dice and his adopted child if he falls in the attempt to win his freedom if I remember correctly. Only fair to warn him he’s going to the meat grinder and they’ll possibly be inherited the responsibility of taking care of his surviving Dice and his daughter.

    Though of course Lexx and others probably still have to watch what they say around him at times when the feed is live around him.

  4. How will Lexx explain this to them? Especially if he doesn’t want them to know about relays (which would end awkwardly)..

    1. Well his Relay is okay…I think.

      It’s just Chel’s and Keith’s Relays that might make things a little awkward.

      1. Ahh, but if Victor finds out relays exist, then he might ask/suspect Chel has one as well.

        Then again, maybe that’s how it gets outed. It does seem to be a Chekhov’s secret (a secret that must not be revealed, but inevitably will)

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