13 541


Andisel went over a few quick ideas in silence before turning to the sairah, “Hmm… is Trasik open to any planning?” “She tried to bite me.” Her second snorted as the brief image of large fangs near his face flashed through his mind. “Very well,” signed Andisel. “Return her to her family in exchange for the mimic and destroy it. Release the story as a sidebar to Lexx’s feed, a mimic from an unknown source attempted to capture Lexx and replace Trasik, but due to interference was found out, no charges are being filed.”

13 thoughts on “02/01/2012

  1. “She tried to bite me.” XD

  2. But what if Trasik escapes? Also, I think it’s a shame that Trasik only tried to bite him.

    I might not like Trasik at all, but I think this guy deserves it too.

    1. Though I wonder if it was a bite of aggression or her trying to seduce him to get a bite to eat?

      Either way, that’s are good old lovable Trasik. ^^

      1. Is she the same Trasik we know, though? When was she replaced? Perhaps the Trasik we knew in the comic was the mimic the whole time (she was switched before we saw her the first time). It’s possible Trasik is not as evil as we thought.

        1. I’m reasonably sure that Trasik was replaced after the prior attempt at catching Lexx. (The one at the dinner party that had Claudia in an impossible dress.) Trasik is implied to have been after Lexx since his first “set” of dice, so it would be a little much for her to have been replaced for that long.

          Also, Trasik and Riley’s father implied that her personality suddenly shifted recently, so that’s another clue.

  3. These two are idiots. If they actually let Lexx win, it would look to all the others in Lexx’s position that it was actually possible to win the game and earn their freedom, so they would kill themselves less and play even harder, thus improving Alien Dice’s ratings. Instead, they’ll just out to prove that no one can win which will both cause more depression amongst their players and ultimately the fans will realize it’s impossible too and stop watching, thus loss of ratings.

    Also, people will see through their half-ass ploy with the doppleganger.

    1. If they let Lexx win, he’s no longer bound by ADC Contract and he can reveal:

      1: He was stolen from a comatose mother who had other relatives.
      2: He never willingly signed the contract and he had no choice, as he is reported to have had.
      3: The slave trade in orphans or not likely to be missed children as fodder for the game.
      4: The abuse of said children to toughen them up, including training as bedmates for higher paying customers who want a night with their favorite dice.

      If Andisel were running an honest game, what you said would be true. But she’s running a con and a pit fighting league instead, so she’s screwed if Lexx wins.

  4. This is gonna’ open up a whole new can of worms.
    It’s not gonna be pretty.

  5. Well one good thing about all this fuss is that it means Lexx won’t die. 😀 If he was going to then Tiff wouldn’t spend all this time on the enemies strategising. Instead we’d see Chell and Lexx having their last few intimate moments together and maybe some side story with Chell’s dad and the other aliens.

  6. Your noisy ads make me mad.

    1. They’re not mine and I don’t know where there coming from since I don’t accept audio ads.

      1. they’re mostly flash-video car ads, afaik

        1. I’ll do a run through of my inventory – they sometimes sneak in. :/

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