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February 26, 2004 (1 Comment)

Then, he saw him.  The oddest prickly sensation climbed up Lexx's back.  It was another Rishan.  So this was Zaile?  He did not look pleased to see Lexx.  His green eyes were narrowed and gleamed darkly beneath a furrowed brow. '… I hate you.'  There was only one thought going through Zaile's mind as he slowly strode up to Lexx.  Each step echoed those words.  Lexx could only watch in silent confusion.  He didn't understand what was going on and almost expected Zaile to attack him. Lexx lowered his gaze to the floor.  The way the other Rishan was looking at him made him feel little and weak.  He had never met anyone who's eyes he couldn't meet and stare down,… except for Chel, but she was a different story.  Zaile carried himself with such true confidence and arrogance that Lexx completely lost his. There was just something about Zaile.  It was probably that he was free,… and obviously had power and money.  'Deuce.  I'm not sure what to do.  What does he want?'  Lexx concentrated on the turquoise pattern in the floor.  The floor was white except near the walls and where he stepped.  Then a crackling pattern of turquoise spread out from beneath his feet.  'He's a Rishan,.. and Riley works for him?  Riley never told me he works for a Rishan.  Who is he?'

2 thoughts on “February 26, 2004 (1 Comment)

  1. I’m still not quite sure… Why does Zaile hate Lexx? ‘cuz the way I see it, Lexx is the only thing keeping stasis sister from entering the game. He also has a great chance of winning and calling for the release of hundreds of captive Rishans… So why on earth (or elsewhere) would Zaile hate him so profoundly?

    1. He got a sister before Zaile got his.

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