4 1068

March 03, 2004 (1 Comment)

"Ok." Cinka smiled cheerfully.  Zaile didn't even look back at her, vanishing around the corner.  Cinka's expression sank immediately with a low sigh.  She started walking back down the vacant hall, staring at the floor.  'I'm so easily dismissed.  It doesn't matter how long I'm with them,… every now and then it does hurt to be treated like a used toy.' She lifted her head at a thought.  She might as well go look for Maelinn and bother her for awhile about Riley.  It was a way to pass the time and work off her annoyance with Zaile. 'The last thing I want around me right now is a reminder of the situation my sister is in,'  Zaile walked alone to the polished turquoise door that led to his chambers.  'Any day and she might go into play and getting her out before she gets captured,… I don't know.'  He wasn't completely sure what their plans were for his sister, just that they were going to use her at some point.  'Lexx has ruined everything.  She's too valuable for the ADC to be bought and I will not sign a contract to allow them to use her…' Zaile frowned, pushing the door to let it ID him and open.  The doors slid apart.  The ADC had responded to Zaile's requests to purchase his sister's contract with a stipulation that if he did,… he would allow them, as her guardian, to perform tests on her, but not be put into active play for the ADC. She would still belong to them. He wouldn't stand for that.  He had done some morally objectionable things in the past, but he would not force such a condition on another person.  Zaile had the option of purchasing master dice and fighting to win his siblings,… but he had not gone that way.  He really didn't want to hurt them.  As much as he told himself that he hated Lexx,… deep down he realized that it really wasn't Lexx's fault.  He was just a kid,…

4 thoughts on “March 03, 2004 (1 Comment)

  1. Wait…so can a purchased dice be freed? Or are they still required by the ADC to participate in the game in some capacity?

  2. their contract can be transferred but a lingering clause states that they are still under non-disclosure agreement even after bein freed. the only apparent way for them to be totally free is to actually win the game.

    1. and no, they are not forced to fight anymore. only the non-disclosure agreement stays.

  3. Well, gee, Cinka, maybe if you weren’t paid to be at his beck and call for sex, you wouldn’t feel like such a toy!

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